Chapter 15

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"Is this what I get from hurting you?" He looked at me irritatingly.

"Is this what I get from treating you like a brother for almost 5 freaking years?" This time he looked at Harry.

None of us answered. I should defend myself right now. I want to tell him that this is not what it looked like.

I inhaled heavily and I gulped, preparing to answer. Zayn's eyes are still furious,. " I won't do the things you've done to me, Zayn..Because I know how much it hurts and I don't want you to suffer like I felt last time."

"You don't want to see me breaking? Then, what do you think you are doing now? Making me happy? I'M NOT A JERK! I cannot act like I didn't saw anything. I'm not too dense not to be hurt for what I saw!" He's shaking because of anger, his eyebrows are knitted together.

We went in silence. All I could hear is the heavy breathing of Zayn.

"This is my fault," Harry said calmly.

Zayn darted his eyes to him " then why did she respond? Why did she kiss you back?"

He don't know the answer. What should I say? I kissed Harry because I was thinking of Zayn and I thought it was him? Who in the world will believe me? I'm so freaking stupid!

"When did you start liking her?" Zayn said , gritting his teeth.

Harry rubbed his temple and looked down "Last Three months"

Zayn's eyes shifted to mine " when did you know, (Y/N)?"

Harry confessed his feelings to mine when Zayn left me. "Last 3 months" when you left me, yeah.

He clenched his knuckles. His eyes darting to mine like a sparrows. He's totally angry. This is not the Zayn I knew. The next thing I know is Zayn pushing all the clothes hang in the dressing room.


The stupid paparazzi peeked at the the room and started capturing pictures. They'll just worsen the scene and create a wonderful Lie story..

Yay life.

Paul blocks the door and the paparazzi started asking questions. Paul closed the door to gives us room. He looked at us like you're-going-to-explain-this-later look.

Zayn keeps kicking things and cursing. He punched the wall , I heard a cracking sound. I have to stop him! He's hurting his self now." Zayn stop, you're hurting yourself now" I tried to come near him.

He didn't even give me a glance. He is facing the wall and his body is shaking because of anger. " Believing that you love me even if that's a lie hurts more,"

"YOU'RE A LIAR," this time he looked at me like I was a criminal, a complete stranger who stole something important to Him.

" That's how you trusted me? Like a complete stranger?" I blurted out.

I knew it's a bad idea because I knew I'll hear something that isn't pleasant to my ears.

"Yeah" he interjected simply like it's not a big deal.

This time, anger reached my control. He trusted me too little! As I said it's not what it seems!

"WOULD YOU JUST LET ME EXPLAIN , ZAYN" it slipped out of my mouth immediately. I didn't intended that.

He looked straight to my eyes and said cooly " No, I've seen it all. I have enough"

Then Bam! It's like a de javu... No, I said that before.. I said that before when he kissed Perrie on the bar! Now, I know how he felt back then...

" We've spent so many times together and you trusted me too little," I said while calming myself.

"I trusted you so much back then but now, I think not, you destroyed it." He blurted out, taking steps towards me.

He's really getting in my nerves. This is not Zayn Malik, this is not the boy I love.

"You said that you'll never hurt me...YOU PROMiSED THAT TO ME! DON'T TELL ME THAT YOU FORGET THAT DANG PROMISE! Then, what are you doing now" I stopped myself. I felt the urge to cry right now.

He got shocked and stopped from taking steps. He tensed up a bit " Don't you know the scenario now? I'm the one who got hurt and you're now the one who kept hurting me? Don't you think we changed parts?"

Then it hit me. Yeah, he's totally right. I can't deny it. I don't want to lose Zayn again. I know he's mad right now. I think I can still handle this.

"Stop it, Zayn" I realized that it came from Harry who's standing there all the time. He was dazed by our fighting. I'm in the verge of tears.

Zayn pointed Harry with his index finger " SHUT UP HARRY"

" IF YOU LET ME EXPLAIN ZAYN! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT'S ON MY MIND WHEN I WAS KISSING HIM!" I shouted. My vision is unclear because of the tears formed in my eyes.

"THEN WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND? HOW DELICIOUS HARRY'S LIPS IS? HOW HAPPY HAVE YOU BEEN WHILE CHEATING ON ME?!" We all got utterly thunderstruck by his sudden outburst.

What? What? That's how he think of me 'a cheater' ... Really Zayn?

I cannot hold my tears and it comes out freely at my eyes. "It's you Zayn!"

He gave me a confusing look.I continued my sentence " IT'S YOU ZAYN FREAKING MALIK! YOU'RE THE ONE I WAS THiNKiNG ABOUT WHEN I WAS KISSING HIM!"

I ran on the bathroom inside the dressing room. All I want is to cry right know. I leaned at the door.I'm hyperventilating . I inhaled heavily to calm myself. I heard some footsteps coming inside the dressing room. 3 footsteps to be exact. They're talking. I could not hear them clearly because I'm still crying. I hugged my knees to my chest, making me cry more. I inhaled and exhaled deeply to gain more air and I stopped crying.Suddenly, I heard a thud behind the door, I can feel someone's back. It is made by plastic so you can also hear the movements of this guy. I heard him sighs deeply like he carry the whole world.

"(Y/n).." It's Zayn.

I don't want to answer.

"(Y/N)....... (Y/n) ....... (Y/n)...... (Y/n)...... "

"WHAT? " I asked in frustration.

There's a moment of silence...,

"(Y/N)..." He naughtily said.

"WHAT? ZAYN?" I asked annoyingly.

He kept in silence.

"(y/N), my stomach hurts! Maybe because of harry's punch! It hurts! Help me please!!babeee" he sounded like he's in pain.

Oh Zayn, please, I'm tired of your tricks. Next time, try going to workshop to sound believable.

There was a complete Silence. 10 minutes had passed but there is no signs of Zayn. It got me worried, why if Harry really did punch him? I turned the knob reluctantly. I opened it and saw Zayn clutching his stomach and now groaning in pain. Seriously, Harry punched so much? What have he done?


A/N:Hello loves :) xx so what do you think? X Our finals are tomorrow and I'm not studying! Hahahha! I'm such a good student hahaha! Team Harry or Team Zayn? Gee.... I'm gonna study now.. I don't want to have failing marks.. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy! Lovelots...

P.S. Hi Chris!! If you're reading this now, you have to study too! Haha!


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