Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to You! <3

"Are you here for a while already?" Harry asked Zayn worriedly.Zayn pause for a while and think.

"No,I just got here....and I'm going to get some tea" He walked straight and get some coffee.

"Zayn" I called his name cause I wanted to explain. I wanted to say that kiss has no meaning!

When I looked at Zayn I can see his strange emotion on his face.He doesn't look at me,he went straight outside the garden and Harry followed him to explain.I don't know what will I do,I think I have to apologize to him.

"I know you saw that incident" Harry said

"Incident?There is no such a thing like incident here" Zayn said looking down his coffee.

"It is just that....kissed..uuh." Harry tried to form the words he wanted to say.

Zayn suddenly answered with a high tone voice "WELL I DON'T CARE IF YOU KISS HER OR NOT!"

I heard Zayn's words and it breaks my heart.It shows that he doesn't care for me.I looked at Zayn in his eyes.He and Harry got shocked when they saw me.

"Zayn?" I put a mixed emotion on my face,anger and sadness.

"We are just trying to trick you but we... acc- accidentally....kissed" I formed my explanation and scared of what my boyfriend will answer.

"Trick?Do you reach your goal now?Well seriously, I don't really know that you are tricking me earlier" He replied coldly he waits for my reply.

Tears suddenly filled my eyes as I heard his hurtful words came out to his mouth.

"I want you to be jealous!I'm so insecure you won't get any jealous!!It's like you don't even care about me and whom I talk to" I tried to handle my tears..

"I--I don't feel your protection" tears suddenly fall from my cheeks.

Zayn stared at me and he is coming towards me but I ran.I ran to my room.Harry followed me and find me tucked my legs at my chest and my head resting on my knee.I feel someone sat besides me.I looked and saw Harry.Harry wiped my tears on my soft red cheeks with his thumb.I leaned at him and cry again because I remembered the hurtful words Zayn had said.


"Don't cry (Y/N) , I'm here" he hugged me tightly and won't let go until I stop from crying.

It was afternoon,I sat on the couch watching movie with the boys except Zayn, to forget the bad scene earlier.Niall sat beside me.

"Let's go and buy some foods, let'schill out" Niall suggested with a smile on his beautiful face.

"Okay" I stand up and went to my room to change some clothes.I grabbed my black leggins ,a fancy red tops and cute red flats ,I tied my hair.

"Done! let's go..So what food do you want me to bring home?" I asked the boys.

"Cookie..I want cookie..Thanks!" Liam said while texting Danielle.

"I want Harreh?" Louis plays Harry's hair.

"Anything.." Harry answered.

The two of us leaved the house to go to the market.Niall bought so many foods it's like there is no tomorrow.

"I think I need this.....Oh I need this too!and this too" Niall picked many foods.

"Oh Niall stop" I laughed while Niall is trying hard to choose what to buy.

I really enjoyed talking with Niall.He makes me laugh and he makes me forget the bad scene earlier.When we are done on picking foods, we went to a mini store to eat.Niall, as expected, he eats a lot.

"Oh (Y/N) Taste this it is so delicious"He lend the big sand which to me.

I got really shocked because Niall gave me a food.Take note : A FOOD .But I don't mind it, so I took a bite.

"It is incredibly delicious!" I said.

"Well said" Niall laughs.

As we went home the two of us gave away the foods they asked.Zayn just stared at me with a poker face.While Niall and me are talking, I kept on laughing and I can't breathe because of extreme laughing.I saw Zayn looking down on the corner and not eating.I went to Zayn and offer him some chocolate drink I bought for him.

"Here!" I lend him the chocolate drink.He doesn't response,he just look at my eyes deeply, so deeply that you can't resist his beautiful eyes.I smiled at him.

He grabbed my hand and pulled it close to him for a kiss.

"I am no good without you (Y/N)...I'm so sorry"He hugged me tightly.

How I miss Zayn..

The boys just looked at the two of us and they smiled sweetly.

"I'm sorry too Zayn...I love you..."I blushed a little and I hugged him back

"I love you more!"He responded sweetly.I smiled secretly because I'm too happy in what I've heard.

The two of us sat on the couch alone after the dinner. I felt so close to him again. Happy again..

"Who's greater Harry or me?" He asked shyly.

"Of course I'd choose you!" I smiled and looked at him.

"Then who can make you happier Niall or me?" Zayn again asked shyly and it's very cute.

"You! looked jealous huh!" I grinned and teased him.

"Hey I'm not jealous!"He didn't looked at me but I can see that he is blushing a little.

I laughed and try to tickle him so he can tell the truth.

Zayn laughed "Stop it! Alright alright....I'm a little jealous...Little!" He blushed even more and I find it cute.

"okay,as you said so" I giggled.

"Let's go for a date tomorrow for a payback for my sin" He winked at me.

"Really?!okay!!wow!can't wait for that!" I excitingly said.

Zayn smiled big and kissed you on the cheek.You blushed.

=to be continued=


Sorry it is not too god :)) I enjoy writing now.. LOL! So this is the picture of Eleanor! She's so beautiful , right? So the song for this chapter is ... Na Na Na... Is it suitable for the chapter? Xx hahha

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