Chapter 13 :) xxxxx

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Zayn flashed my favorite smile. I conclude that he’s so hot even though it’s cold here outside.I miss this: looking at each other smiling, exchanging I love you’s and being on his arms again.

“So, will you be my girlfriend again?” he lend his right hand to me and knelt. His smile never fades. We’re soaking but we don’t care t all.

“If you insist, love” I smiled and placed my wet hands on his..

He stood up and hugged me, lifting me up while we turn around.He doesn’t seem to bother my weight. I love the way he lifts me. We started giggling.

“I’m so happy! (Y/N) love me again!Whoohoo!” Zayn shouted while we turn around.

We almost slipped because of the water pool on the ground. We laughed and he putted me down. Zayn an I stare at each other, smiling more than a minute.

“Let’s go” he laced his fingers and intertwine it on mine and swings it.

“Okay,” I smiled again and we head towards home.

“(Y/N), you’re going with us at the conference in U.S” Zayn declaimed, looking staraight to where we are going.

“Really? That’s good but I haven’t fixed my papers yet” I answered worriedly. I want to come but I don’t want to be the cause of their delay. The happenings are so fast, I can’t catch up. Zayn is leaving so oon, we just finished consoling and now we’re parting. If only the happening could wait for me.

“Don’t worry, your papers is okay now. I managed to fix it” Zayn faced me and smiled.

He brings up my energy and smile again. He’s a life saver! I’m happy. I said thank you and kiss him on his cheeks. We arrived home, the rain hasn’t stopped so we’re soaking wet. Zayn knocked three times at the door and Harry opened it. Zayn is still holding my hands. Harry looked at us unbelievingly seeing us, soaking wet. Then, his eyes went down looking at exactly at our hands.

“What happened?” He smiled. Is it me or he smiled forcely? He returned his gaze at us, waiting for a respond.

Zayn lifted our hands and happily said “We’re together..again”

Niall came and heard the news. He seemed unhppy but he smiled after that. Why is it everybody seemed unhappy? I know Harry likes me but Niall?

“Congrats! Zayn will not be alone again” Harry said while giving us a space to enter.

Niall agreed to him and smiled. Liam and Louis arrived home and they’re happy to hear about the news. After taking a bath, I put my pajamas with laces and I lay on my bed. Things are partly clear now. Zayn and me are now again. I can’t avoid to smile everytime when I remember it. When I was about to close my eyes, someone knocked at my door.

“Come in” My eyes are still shut.

I heard the door opened and the footsteps are gettingcloser and closer. I peeked and saw Zayn holding a tray with two mugs on it. He smiled when he saw me peked in.

 “Good evening, mind having a chat?” He didn’t wait for my reply.

He sat at the edge on my bed and placed the tray at the small table at my bed.I sat and leaned at my header and Zayn followed.

“You might be called so I bought you your favorite hot chocolate to warm you up” he passed the mug to me.

I get it carefull “Thank you”

We talked all night about things. We cleared things that seemed unclear. I leaned my head on his shoulder his arm around me while he brushed my hair slowly with his hand. I feel safe again, this is so relaxing. He whisper  sweet words to me. Before I could go to sleep I heard him whispered

“I love you very much (Y/N)

I don’t know if I respond to him or not. Maybe not. I woke up and saw Zayn’s brown eyes are staring at me. He’s so gorgeous, I could melt right now. It’s a great beginning to start my good morning. He’s still watching me but with a smile on his lips now.

“Good Morning, princess” He  kissed my forehead.

“Good Morning too, Zayn”  I looked at him and smiled.

After a week we fly to US for their conference. We entered the airplane.  My flight seat is next to Zayn of course. After a 3 hours .

“So, how you’re feeling?” Zayn checked me out.

Well , I’m feeling excited and a bit tired I just want to sleep right now as in now.

“A bit of sleepy” I said while blinking my eyes slowly.

My eyes are very heavy right now but I couldn’t sleep because Zayn might be bored.

“Sleep now, don’t worry I won’t be bored” He smiled and kissed me between my eyebrows. “Sleep tight” he added.

I closes my eyes and then I heard flashes.. I think I’m just dreaming. I woke up by the sound of the airplane boarding. I checked my belt but it’s fasten now, I think Zayn done it. When we’re at the airport you could hear screaming fans. The lads are very happy to hear that. We are welcomed by the flashes of camera of the paparazzi. Zayn hold me tight in my hand.

“Our fans are so amazing right? They’re so energetic!” he shouted at my ears, if he didn’t I miayn’t hear him.

I nodded and giggled. Their fans are very supportive and I’m glad. We arrived at the hotel tired but it’s so exciting. Their fans are so nice or should I call them – Directioners.

While I was sitting on the sofa I checked my twitter and saw something…

************END OF CHAPTER 13************

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