Take Me Where You Go

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Riley's P.O.V

"Jamie!" I call out for Jamie while looking for him.

"Hey you were calling me?" He asks.

"Huh Yeah." I said. "I found something in one the pockets of the Jeans. I thought maybe it might be important to you since they were your sister's clothes." I hand him the locket hesitantly.

"Oh okay. Thanks though." He looked down and smiled as if he was trying to hide how he felt.


Landon's P.O.V

"What is this?" Jamie asks while showing a locket with a picture of Paige and I on the either side.

"It's a locket." I simply reply.

"I can see that you jerk. I'm asking when did you take this?" He refers to the pictures. To be honest I did not remember. I wish I did remember, maybe it would make him less angry.

"I don't remember." I say in a low voice.

"Of course you wouldn't! You didn't have a reason to." He he says while banging on the table.

"Stop making a fuss. I don't want Riley to see all this." I said.

"All you care about is Riley. Nothing else? Wait till I tell her what you did to my sister." He threatened.

"Okay tell. She knows about it. I told her already." I said. He looked surprised by what I said but within a few minutes he became fine.

"So you and your b*tch are in this together. Aren't you?" He smirks knowingly.

"Don't involve her in my plans. She is nowhere near to that and don't you dare call her a b*tch. She is not one of those girls I used to play around with. You got that?" I point accusingly at him.

He clenches and and unclenches his fists until he punches me. "That." I spit blood. "You shouldn't have done that." I punch him on his face. He kicks on my ribs. I put and arm around his neck and try to make him breathless. He elbows on my ribs and hits his head on my nose. "That's for my sister you jerk." He laughs showing his bloodied teeth. I get up but then stop when I see Riley in the middle stairs watching our fight and Leo in the corner standing with his arms crossed across his chest.

"I hope you feel better now. I'm sorry bro. I didn't mean any harm to Paige." I say while sympathetically patting him on the back. He immediately slaps my hand away.

"What's wrong with you? Uh?" He laughs and chokes on his blood. "What the hell are you trying to show?" He coughs. "Wait!" He widens his eyes and looks around. "Oh it's her!" He taunted. "You didn't want her to see your bad side." He mocks.

"I think your not feeling well. You should go to your room." I support his body and he pushes me away.

"I'm a fighter! I don't need your unwanted support." He shouts angrily.

"You know Riley." He laughs. "Oh my god! my stomach hurts. Landon here, must've told you a story about a girl named Paige. I hope you used the real name at least." He mocks again. "She was my sister and this jerk drove her to suicide." He looks at me accusingly. "You know, how many times I asked her, what was wrong with her? Why wasn't she eating anything? Why wouldn't she talk much on the phone? Why was she crying all the time?" He cries. "But she never replied. One day suddenly I got a call from the hospital saying that she is dead and I had to come there immediately." He falls on his knees. "My only family." He looks at me with loathe and anger. "You are responsible for her death." He points at me.

"I-I I'm sorry." I leave from there. I couldn't meet Riley's eyes. I don't have the courage too see her look at me with hate. Jamie's sudden outburst was my helplessness. I couldn't do anything.

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