Changing The Course Of Time

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Riley's P.O.V

"What are you thinking." I say while sipping coffee. We stopped by a cafe for awhile. It was only an hour drive to Cork. So we weren't far.

"Nothing particular." He says while looking out of the window. Whenever I look at him I feel like there are a thousand things he has to say to me but somehow something seems to stop him to do so. I just hope when he speaks his mind, it's not too late.

I don't see myself with him in future. I've always restrained myself for liking him too much but while he is sitting opposite me, silently looking out of the window. I can't help but look at him. His perfect self yet so guilty. Suddenly I wasn't so sure. My heart was beating a little faster and heat was rushing all over my body. I felt like the coffee was doing no good.

"Hey....Landon?" I say awkwardly.

"Are you alright?" He says suddenly getting up from his seat and cups my cheeks. "Why are you so red?" He asks while checking my temperature.

"That...I think the coffee was too hot." I say while pushing the chair away from him a little.

"Okay." He says unconvinced with my answer.


"Are we going to stay here?" I say while looking at the motel and then at Landon.

"Yeah. I have some things to handle." He says. I wanted to ask him what things were to be handled but I was hesitant. "Umm Riley?" Landon interrupts a wave of thoughts in my mind.

"Yeah?" I say slight lost in the reality.

"We need to check inn." He says. "Are you alright?" He asks with concern.

"Yeah what would happen to me." I chuckle.


Landon's P.O.V

"Sorry." I mutter. "I didn't have sufficient amount of money. I hope you don't mind us together in one room." Even though a part of me was happy to sleep next to her, a part of me felt guilty to make her feel uncomfortable.

"It's not your fault." She says assuringly.

"So you don't mind if I..." I take slow steps towards her as she hesitantly steps backwards until she falls on the bed. I hold my laugh. "If I..." I try to suppress my laughter. I laid beside her. "Sleep next to you." I laugh.

"Seriously?" She says rather annoyed.

"What did you think?" I laugh. She doesn't reply and turns her back on me. "You naughty girl. You were thinking something dirty weren't you?" I tease her.

"No I wasn't!" She says defensively while her cheeks and ears were turning red.

"What's wrong?" I check her temperature. "Are you Okay? Your turning all red and your temperature is slightly hotter."

"I- I'm fine." She says looking elsewhere. "It's just travel sickness."

"Should I take you to a doctor?" I pull a strand of hair behind her ear.

"No, I think I'll just take a nap." She says.

"I'll stay with you." I say with concern lacing in my tone. I pull her close to me. She tries to move away but I prevent her from doing so.

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