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♡He wasnt capable of loving
the way you loved.♡


Im sorry that I left like that, but Sanha Im dying. Literally.

As I laid her feeling everything flow out of me eased my my mind. I felt calm, at ease and you may hate me if you find me. But i cant stand living anymore.

You'll always be in my heart, soul, mind and body.

I know I changed and that was the point. I didn't think i deserved someone as lovong as you Sanha, at least that's what my father had me to believe.

Remember what your brother use to say?

"If you're brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a better hello."

It hurts to let go, but right now, it hurts more to hold on and makes me sad is that you'll always remember that I was the one who said goodbye first.

I don't like our memories, not because they are bad, but because the tears come easily when thinking about it. You are the best thing that happened in my seventeen years of living on this awful earth.

Thanks for the friendship and for making me smile. Thank you for the love you showed me, even if it was only for a little while.

Its true that my heart hurts and yes i did cry for you over, and over. But the pain is all over now, because I've learned how to say goodbye and please, don't follow me Sanha. You have so much to offer.

I love you.

Forever and Always.

I am officially crying, I've never been so sad about a book ever. I loved this so much and I hope people do too. One more and its completed.


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