
15 1 0

Written in 2017:
There is so much I am thankful for. So much more than I ever thought imaginable. I am thankful for my family. For every single one of my siblings and watching them grow into such beautiful people with extraordinary personalities. I am thankful for my parents and watching them grow everyday as well. For learning from them. Knowing exactly what I want and don't want to be. I am thankful for my grandparents and their tired hands wrapped around my heart. They never got a peaceful retirement. I am thankful for my relationship and the family that my incredible boyfriend has allowed me to be a part of. I am thankful for my friendships, even though I am not the best at letting people know how much they mean to me. I am most importantly thankful for myself. I am thankful for the growth I have made as a human being. I am thankful that I have grown into something I can be proud of. I am thankful for the sunrise. I am thankful for the air and how it feels in my lungs. My heart beat and when it speaks up. Pain and how it reminds me how much better I am than I used to be. How it reminds me that I'm happy. The way tears feel when I laugh too hard or feel so overwhelmingly relieved that I am experiencing life. I am thankful for beauty and how to capture it. I am thankful for love. I am just thankful. So utterly and completely thankful.

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