Part 10

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A/N: Heyyyy readers! Finally, after more than a week, here is the new part! I hope you like it!
Don't forget to leave your opinion on a comment! ;)
Enjoyyyy! <3

Ámbar's POV

A very annoying noise of something buzzing wakes me up. I growl, and roll into my back, mentally cursing everything. I finally open my eyes and it takes me a second to understand that what woke me up was my phone.

I pick it up and check who the caller is, making me roll my eyes.

"What?!" I ask, showing just how annoyed I am.

"Did I wake you up?" The creature asks, clearly amused.

"Yes, Simón! You did! So is there any reason why you are disturbing me other than to make fun of me?"

He chuckles slightly, but quickly stops, probably guessing it's not a good idea given my mood.

"Well, hmmm, I am calling to check up on you but I guess it's a bad time..."

"I am awake now so you should have thought about that before..." I roll my eyes, seriously I was sleeping so well.

"I am sorry, really! I thought you would be awake by now, since I am the one who always sleeps until quite late. I am sorry, Ámbar..."

I sigh and give in. "Fine, fine. No more I am sorrys, please. It's done anyways..."

"So, how are you feeling? Other than really moody?" He pauses and the continues. "Sorry that was not polite of me..."

"Yes, moody is a good word to describe how I am feeling... I am sick of being sick... Everything hurts, not to mention even the stupid sunlight is annoying... I hate the sun..." I growl, throwing myself back in bed.

"I know it is really horrible, but you had it coming! Next time don't think you are invincible to the rain, and don't start screaming at the people who want to help you."

"Of course you had to throw that in my face... I was counting how long it would take you to do that... Took you longer than I thought..."

"It's true, Ámbar, I am sorry. Admit it, you were stupid that day..."

"I wasn't stupid, I was solving things alone, which is all I am these days..."

"Ámbar, don't go that way again..."

"Whatever, you are right. Yes I was stupid. Not even Ámbar Smith can fight the flu. Lesson learnt. Anything else?"

"Hum, if you see Luna can you tell her I will probably only be there for dinner? She is not picking up the phone."

"Of course you weren't calling because of me and of course you had to come see Lunita..."
"No, Ámbar, it's not..."
"Whatever... I don't know if I will see her, but if I do I will tell her. Bye now, Simón."

"See you later, Ámbar."

I hang up the phone. Another day I will have to see him. Doesn't he have a life besides Lunita? It's a bit sad actually...

I check my phone, and really it's quite past midday... But whatever, I am on vacation anyways so let's enjoy it. If the flu let me...

I get up and head to the bathroom to do my morning routine. When I am done with my bath, strangely I feel better (refreshed) and worse (strengthless) at the same time. I lie down on my bed again, in my fluffy bath robe, closing my eyes.

Again, I hear my phone ringing and curse Luna for not picking her phone, Simón for thinking I am a mailer and myself for giving him my cellphone number.

I hate you, I love you - Simbar (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now