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Riley POV:

The alarm on my phone was beeping, I rolled over and turned it off. I just laid there looking at the dark ceiling. I felt like just going back to sleep or staying in my room forever, I can't face Tyler. I laid there thinking of what to do. Okay. Okay, I got it, I will act like nothing happened, like we weren't going to kiss.

I got out of bed and grabbed my clothes for school and went a took a shower. I got out and saw Tyler in his room shirtless. Fuck. I tried to look away but I couldn't, he looked really good. I saw him moving around and I made a quiet mad dash back to my room, but with my luck Max barked and ran after me. Shit. I quickly closed my door, and listening for footsteps.

"Max, come here." Tyler said as he walked past my room.

I held my breath as he passed by, I let it out once he was by Noah's room. Oh, thank heaven. I turned my radio on, dancing around my room as I got ready. I finished getting ready and opened my door, and made my way downstairs. I watched as the boys were getting their lunch ready, Max following Tyler around. I saw my dad drinking his coffee and reading his newspaper.

"Morning, princess." He said, not looking up from his paper.

I smiled as I made my way over to him giving him a kiss on the forehead, mumbling a "good morning". Max made his way over to him, jumping up and putting his paws on my thighs, I scratched behind his ear. I put his paws on the ground and went to the fridge to make me a sandwich before we had to leave. I grabbed some grapes and put them in a baggy for the ride to campus.

"You okay, baby sis? I heard you screaming last night." Noah said as he spread Nutella on both slices of his bread.

Tyler lifted his head up and looked at me, I looked away from him and looked at Noah. "Yup, just stubbed my fucking toe." I mumbled


"Sorry, dad." I mumbled

I walked over to my dad, seeing as both boys were done making their sandwiches, and told him see you soon, and love you. I got max and looked over at Tyler, "Should I put him in his kennel?"

He looked at me and cleared his throat, "Yea."

I put Max in his kennel with his rabbit toy and a few chew toys. I made my way outside and into the truck. I buckled up and for some strange reason, I was given the aux cord. I smiled and scrolled through my music, trying to see what kind of song to play. I tapped my phone and Camila Cabello "Never Be the Same" played through the truck speakers. I hummed along with the song.

The sun hit my face and I closed my eyes feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin I took a few deep breaths, feeling the sun on my face made me feel calm. I opened my eyes and grabbed my phone opening up snapchat, and taking a selfie and posting it to my story.

"Oh Noah, grandma called last night

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"Oh Noah, grandma called last night." I said as I texted the girls.

"Yea, what did she say?"

"She need you to over this weekend, to help her move somethings and fix her computer." I said sending the girls I should be there in 15.

"just me or all of us?" he asked looking in the mirror and raising his eyebrow.

I sighed and looked at him, "All of us."

"That's what I thought."

He looked back at the road and I rolled my eyes mocking him. I opened up my bag of grapes and put one in my mouth. I played the next song and looked out the window, wanting Friday to already be here. I'm already tired of school and I've only been one day.

The school came into view and I was getting everything ready, I unplugged my phone, and was getting to basically jump out of the truck to go talk to the girls about what happened last night. Noah parked the car and I raced out, slamming the door, as I quickly made my way to the girls.

"Don't slam my door!" Noah yelled slamming his door.

Without looking back, I shot him the finger, the girls laughed as I stood with them. We walked to class, and stood by their first class just chatting, about what they did yesterday. Maya was telling us about the frat boy that invited her to the party. She was saying how she wouldn't come unless we came with her and he agreed. She mentioned that they even exchanged numbers.

"Wow, already gonna get laid?" Justice asked nudging Maya. She smiled looking down while her face got red.

"Well what's his name?" I asked

"Cameron." She mumbled

"oh wow, Cameron. Did he tell you can call him Cam?" I asked

"Shut up." She said laughing.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the time, groaning. "Got to get to class. See you guys at lunch." I said walking the opposite direction as them.

I made my way to comp. and sat down, ready for this day to already be over. I saw Tyler already sitting in the seat next to mine. I took a deep breath, as I hyped myself up. Okay. Okay, Riley you got this, no need to be nervous, it's just Tyler... the guy you almost fucking made out with. Nope going the wrong direction. Riley, you got this, stay calm. Take deep breaths.

"You okay?" a voice whispered, I slightly jumped as I turned around, there stood Oli.

I nodded my head, "yea, just trying to ready for class." I said as we both walked into class

"interesting way to get ready for class." He said chuckling.

I shoved him lightly as I mumbled, "Shut up".


I made my way over to were Justice and Maya sat, I slid into the booth and took my backpack off, taking out my sandwich and chips. I made sure everything was ready and then I looked at the girls. They looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Tyler and I almost kissed." I said lowering my head hiding my blush.

"OH, MY FUCKING GOD!" Maya said loudly, I gave her a look as people were giving funny looks.

"Almost. What the fuck do you mean almost?" Justice asked

"okay. Are lips brushed up against each other's, then my grandma called." I said pinching the bridge of my nose, as the girls busted out laughing.

"cocked blocked by grandma." Justice laughed even harder.

"Fuck off. Guys, I felt butterflies in my stomach, that has never happened before. I think I'm falling hard for him and it scares the shit out of me. You guys know I don't believe in love and all that bullshit, but with him... it just feels right." I said as I looked at them as I took a bite out of my sandwich. "Help me."

"Well, from what I heard, all the soccer boys are going, so Tyler is definitely gonna be there. So, you are gonna dress to impress, and finally lock lips with that boy." Maya said

"Mission get Tyler and Riley to kiss on Friday?" Justice asked as she looked over at Maya.

"You guys are idiots." I said laughing as Maya nodded her head, saying the mission was on.

"But is the mission on?" Maya asked giving me a look.

"Fuck yea."

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