Chapter 9: I'm Sorry But I Don't Remember You

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A/n: okay I feel very bad for everyone who enjoyed this book. So I'm gonna work on one more chapter after this for everyone. So of you are probably gonna read this and ask 'what happened?' But I just skipped more towards the end of the book. I just hope I made everyone happy that they will get to know how the story ends

3rd person pov

*with Y/n*

Y/n slowly opened her eyes. Blinking them a few time. She sat up as a feeling of pain washed over her. She groaned looking at her leg. Her left leg is wrapped up in bandages. She looks at her leg confused. Not sure want happened. Y/n looks around at her surroundings. She was in the middle of the woods. Again, unsure how she got here. She tried to remember but everything was just a blur. She slowly stood up leaning on her right leg. She found a stick beside where she was laying down.

Y/n picked up the stick and used it as a walking cane. She made her way through the woods hoping to get out.

Just after awhile of walking Y/n found another body. She walked towards it. It was a girl with h/c hair and had pale skin. The girl looked to be around fifteen years old. Y/n check for a pulse but didn't find one. One thing Y/n did find was a folded up note in the girl pocket. Y/n was curious of what the note was. She slowly slipped the note from the dead girl. She unfolded it and read it confused.

Dear Y/n,

I'm very very sorry I had to put you through that pain for three years. It's all my fault. If I didn't listen to him than you wouldn't have been in this mess. Father... he's a powerful man. He been using Zeref's black magic for as long as I can remember. At the age of ten, that's when he sent me out to find you. My dragon slayer magic was made from the black magic. I'm sorry I didn't tell you this before but he kept me quiet. I couldn't tell anyone about Father. I promise you will be free from hell. I will not let him hurt you again. I'm sorry, for you and Fairy Tail...

Your sister,

Y/n looked back at the girl. Y/n didn't know what to think about this. She had many questions running through her head. 'Who is Fairy Tail? I had a sister? Why can't I remember anything? Who is Father?' Y/n folded the paper and slipped it into her pocket. She looked back at the girl. She wished she could remember who this girl was.

Y/n looked away feeling guilty for not remembering. She slowly stood up again. She walks over to a tree placing her hand on it. "Good bye... Jane." Y/n said looking at the girl and slowly walked away.

Y/n came to the end of the woods. She looked down at the road before her. She looked both ways unsure which way to take. She decided to go right.

After awhile Y/n heard heavy footsteps behind her. She turned around to see a horse wagon. She watched it come to a stop beside her. "Do you need a lift Miss?" The man asked. Y/n shallow and nods. The man chuckled lightly. "Here Miss." The man held his hand out for Y/n. She took his hand and he helped her up on the wagon. He grabs hold of the reins and whipped them lightly.

"Where does this road take you?" Y/n asks the man. "It takes you to Magnolia Miss. May I ask what is your name?" The man asks. "It's Y/n." Y/n answered him. "You look to be the age of twenty-one." The man said. "Are you twenty-one?" Y/n asked since he knows her age. "Heheh no Miss I'm twenty-three." He chuckles lightly. "The name's Axel." He smiled at Y/n. Y/n couldn't help but lightly smile back.

"Tell me something about yourself... like what kind of magic do you use?" Axel asks. Y/n's smile dropped, "I don't know..." This time it was Axel's turn to be confused, "What do you mean you don't know?" Y/n looked down, "I don't remember anything but my name and age..." Axel stared at the her shocked. "Well there has to be a way for you to get your memories back." Y/n looked up at Axel. "Really you think? How do I get my memories back?" Y/n asked feeling a little hope. "Well you would need to get help from the people you know.. which aren't anyone." Axel said feeling very bad for Y/n.

Y/n understood what he meant. She doesn't remember anyone who knew her. The ride was silent the rest of the way to Magnolia.

*with Natsu*

Natsu sat laying his head on the table in the guild. The guild hasn't been the same since Y/n disappeared three years ago. Natsu was hurt the most out of everyone. Everyone knew that Natsu was going to propose to Y/n when he returned from his job request.

Natsu felt a hand lay onto of his. He looked up to see Lucy. Over the years Lucy's hair grow and she learned how to use Star dresses with her Celestial Spirits. She gave him a small smile. "Please try to cheer up Natsu. We don't like seeing you this way." Natsu stared at her for a second before laying his head back down. Lucy let out a sigh. Everyone tried to cheer Natsu up but after awhile they quit. Happy couldn't even cheer his buddy up.

Natsu stood up and walked to the request board. Everybody doesn't on the jobs with Natsu not even Happy. When Natsu takes a job it's to go get Y/n off my mind. No matter how many times Natsu tried to get Y/n off his mind a second her sweet smiling face will pop up again. Natsu missed her smile and voice. What he missed the most about Y/was her hugs. He just want her back in his arms.

That's another reason why Natsu would take more jobs. He's still looking for her. He's so lost without Y/n.

Natsu walked out of the guild. He walked pass people making his way out of Magnolia. Natsu walked on the dirt road passing a horse wagon.

"Who is him?" His eyes widen a bit when a voice that sounded like hers. He looked back at the wagon to see a man with reddish brown hair and a girl with h/c hair. Natsu shook his head, "I'm just hearing things now." He turned back and walked away.

-time skip-

Natsu finished his job fairly quickly. These wizards pissed Natsu. They talked about Y/n when fighting with Natsu. Saying they heard her screams from in the mountains. One even said, "She's long gone now, that explosion more likely killing her and everyone else in the mountains."

Now Natsu is walking back to Magnolia with what he heard. The only thought that was stuck in his head was, 'Y/n can't be dead.' He didn't want to believe what those wizards said. But he already have the feeling that she might be dead.

Natsu walked into Magnolia more sadder than when he left. Was he really going to believe that she is dead? "Oh thank you sir." Natsu stopped in his footsteps. He turned his head to his left to see the h/c hair girl. The girl turn away from the man she was talking to. Natsu's eyes widen in shock and surprise. His feet moved for him. He ran over to Y/n and hugged her from behind.

"Oh Y/n.. I missed you so much.." Natsu whispered holding his tears. "Um excuse me?" Y/n asks confused. Natsu turn her around to see him. "Y/n, it's me Natsu." He said holding her shoulders. "I.. I'm sorry but I don't remember you..." Natsu stood in his spot shock at what he just heard from his lover.

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