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Let's just say that the next day was a nerve-wrack for Heather.

Basically, this was a huge sum-up of their life-

She had always been depressed, and suffering in power. Not until some dick JD came into her life and is making her life miserable.

Yup, sounds about right.

She continued with her daily classes, now fully trying to avoid not only JD, but the rest of the Heathers. She was not gonna risk getting anything else on her plate. It wasn't until gym that she had her life handed back to her.

*** *** *** ***

She rushed out of gym, going back to the locker to change. She grabbed her normal outfit and took off her shirt and shorts, only stripped to her panties and bra. As she was putting on her shirt and stockings, she heard a locker door slam. She jumped in surprise and tried to quickly put on her red vest before being caught.


"I don't see you resigning, beauty corpse." JD said, coming closer.

Heather quickly put on her upper-attire, not letting him see the harmful marks on her stomach. Unfortunately, he more than well saw.

"You like the usual you- a dead girl walking." The boy purred menacingly.

"Don't go near me. Go fuck Veronica and stay out of my life." Heather said, fixing her hair and slipping on her Chandler shoes and walking out.

*** *** *** ***

The next day was the same, except JD didn't see her almost naked. As lunch began and everything was at it's chaos, Heather approached Kurt ans Ram and each handed them a 20.

"Will you beat up JD for me?" She pleaded, batting her eyes.

Both jocks stuck the money in their pockets and and cracked their knuckles, going to do as she said.

"What was that about?" Veronica asked, coming up behind her.

"JD, playing shenanigans with me yesterday. You gotta control your boyfriend." Heather advised, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.

"JD is still with you? What is up with that creep?!" Duke snarled.

"What shenanigans, are you okay?" Mcnamara asked.

"I'm fine, thanks Heather. Just gonna go to the bathroom." Heather said, walking off.

As Heather locked herself up in a stall, she sat on the toilet and released a breath she had known she had kept in. She was lot keeping up with this act. 

She left the stall and looked at her reflection in the mirror before the sinks. 

"One more day... you can do this." Heather muttered, turning on the fossit and splashing water on her face. 

She had one more day to basically confess to everyone at Westerburg, and if she didn't, JD was gonna kill.

What a lovely weekend this was.

Heather got some paper towels to dry her face, careful not to smear off any foundation that made the bags under her eyes visible. She took another deep breath as she opened the door to exit the bathroom, and heading into the mess of the lunchroom, where people were awaiting her.

"One more day.."

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