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Fuck school.

She didnt care if she had repeated it infinity times, school sucked.

The teacher called out attendance and once she called on Heather's name, everyone stopped their little chatting and turned to her.

"Here." Heather tried to say calmly, even though she was really panicking.

The teacher looked over and had a shocked expression like the one 5 minutes ago. She then snapped back into reality and cleared her throat.

"Good morning, Mrs. Chanlder. Good to see you've... well, nevermind."

Heather stayed quiet and nodded, just looking down at her desk. Whatever her teacher was gonna say must've been bad.
That was the thing- everything Heather did seemed to be bad. Dress differently? Bad. Say a joke? Bad. Be nice "for once"? Bad. No one ever dared to ask her if she meant what she said, except Veronica and Mcnamara. They cared. But no one seemed to care, they thought she was some plastic evil bitch.

Once Heather zoned back from her thoughts, she noticed that she was digging her nails into her palms from frustration. The red nails were now white, and the soft palms that were once hers were now contained with red cuts of blood.


She crossed her arms on her desk in a position as it covered her hands. She wouldn't risk anyone to see her as that, and she wouldn't risk someone like JD or Duke see her like this. They'd see her and tear her to nothing in seconds, eating her alive in no time.

As the day continued, Heather forced a boring and concentrated expression. She tried not to let others know what they were doing was bothering her- the staring, the whispering, the drama.

Oh, the drama.

There was always drama about someone. Doesn't matter if you're the top dogs, or the low-life nobodies, everyone has drama. The rating of how bad it is depends.
But, this week's top drama was about none other than Heather Chandler- how the queen of Westerburg High School had surprisingly settled from her famous and popular position of the Heather to a Heather. The teachers never got involved, never did, but they didn't care or try to stop anyone from hurting others. The only one that seemed to care was Mrs.Fleming, but even she let that slip by her once in a while.

And as Heather say that lunch with Veronica and Mcnamara, she felt everyone peek and point and murmur.

"Oh, cheer up Heather! We'll make you forget this is all happening!"

Heather looked up from her plate of disgusting mashed potatoes and peas as Mcnamara ate her sandwich. Bless her soul, she was so nice.

"How could you make me forget, Heather? I come here 5 days a week, nothing in this world will make me forget." Heather sighed, forcing the mess of food down her throat.

"How about we take you to the state fair this week? It wont make you forget but you'll have fun." Veronica stated, smiling reassuringly.

"Sure," Heather pushed her plate and stood up, getting ready to leave, "you can try."

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