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Heather tied her black Nikes, getting back up on her feet and feeling around for a liga (sorry im hispanic and i dont really know the word for it in english) and getting ready to make a messy bun. 

Tonight, her friends were gonna take her to the fair to cheer her up. At least, they were gonna try. Heather was such in a low state right now that she believed she wasn't gonna get back up on the surface. Not when she was in this lifeboat in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by islands of civilians that all have things in common.

But her.

Heather let her hands go from the now bun on her head and and went to her mirror, checking in the mirror to see how she looked, only having foundation, lipstick, and blush applied.

The reason she only had applied that little makeup is because the night she went to school as a normal person, she went home and got most of her makeup and stomped on it, wanting to get rid of her Heather Chandler old ruling. She hid the crushed makeup parts all the way in the bottom of the kitchen garbage. 

She was lucky her parents hadn't caught her.

Her ringtone snapped her from her daze as she picked up her phone, Mcnamara's face coming up on her phone.

"Hello?" Heather asked, trying to sound as if she was bored and not being in the border line of her depression.

"Hey Heather! We're close to your house, so get ready!" She said through her phone. 

Heather's lips formed a small smile. She could feel Mcnamara's positivity from the other side of the phone. It was so warming.

"Alright, thanks. I've already been ready. See you in a bit."

Mcnamara gave a 'bye' and hung up. Heather walked down the stairs, sticking her phone and some money into her back pocket of her jean shorts. She opened the door and went out, sitting by the curb while waiting for them to come.

And in a bit, she saw Veronica's car come closer and pull over beside her.

The window from the passenger's seat rolled down and Mcnamara waved, her smile wide.

"Just get in already." Veronica smirked, her hair in a small, small ponytail.

Heather rolled her eyes jokingly and got in the car. She kicked the back of Veronica's seat and laughed.

"Dude!" Veronica gasped.

"Let's get on with it, I wanna have fun." Heather chuckled.

"Sounds good!" Mcnamara said.

Veronica started the car and they were on their way, getting closer and closer to the fair. Mcnamara gasped and kicked her legs as the lights of the fair had shone through the leaves of the trees of the borders outside the gates. They found a parking stop and hopped off the car, going inside.

And in the entrance, there was Duke, Ram, and Kurt.

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