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I will forever love Duke I just want y'all to know that

Duke gasped as the pretzel got into her hair she began to squeal and pulled it out, running her hands through her hair frantically and repeatedly.

"Disgusting!" She screamed. "You are so immature!"

"You're the one that's being immature!" Veronica yelled back, obviously not regretting that as she held her girlfriend's hand. "You're lucky it was just a dumb pretzel to your hair, not a fist to your face!"

Duke's eye seemed to darken as she rapidly slapped Veronica's cheek, leaving a red mark on her face.

Heather just sat there, watching it all happen. Time seemed to slow down like it did in those really crappy action movies, when the main character is dodging about 100 bullets and manages to miss them all.

She stood up and snatched her friend's hands, staring into Duke's eyes.

"Look, I don't understand why you're being such a mega bitch, but I hope it goes away. Get your ass back in gear and remember who got you to that little place of your in the first place."

She then proceeded to march off, dragging Veronica and McNamara behind her.

*** *** *** ***

Heather sat in her back seat, arms crossed as she looked down at her lap. They had just gotten in the car, and hadn't said a word.

McNamara and Veronica were seated at the front, just looking ahead. Veronica's hands were on the wheel.

Suddenly, McNamara began getting into a fit of giggles. Veronica and Heather looked at her.

"What is going on, Heather?" Heather asked.

McNamara burst our laughing, clutching her sides and her eyes brimmed in tears.

"You should have seen Heather's face as you basically screamed at her! She was so pissed!"

Veronica exploded into laughter as well, banging her head on the wheel. Probably from remembering when she threw the pretzel at her.

Heather couldn't help but start laughing too. She couldn't remember a time when she wasn't scared to say what she felt. And at that moment, it was if it was released from her at an ungodly rate.

"And remember when Veronica threw the pretzel?!" Heather screamed, kicking her legs, "her eyes were so big they almost resembled her pores!"

McNanara and Veronica laughed even harder- Veronica slamming her hands repeatedly on the dashboard as McNamara cried harder. Heather fell over and lay on the whole backseat, laughter ringing through the car of three teenage girls.

As soon as they all calmed down, Veronica started the car and they were on their way to drop off McNamara.

"Guys, I'm still crying." McNamara giggled.

As soon as McNamara got her kiss from her beloved and ran into her house, they went to drop off Heather.

Heather looked at the seat that was occupied before her and spoke.

"You must really care about Heather to have the guys to do that to Heather."

Veronica hummed a response. "I love her a lot, and I mean it as in real love- not like when I thought I loved JD."

Heather nodded.

"But you know what Heather?" Veronica continued, "You must really care about us to stand up to her like that."

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