Chapter 3

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I followed Victor through the dark corridors of the castle, Yurio and Otabek following behind us. I was so nervous and kept fiddling with my fingers. I can't believe this was happening. I haven't even stayed here for more than a day but it was already time... time to meet Victor's parents, the King and Queen of the Vampire Kingdom.

"H-hey Victor... I don't know about this. Do we really have to do this today?" I said nervously.

"Yuuri~ You don't have to worry about anything. My parents may be strict and scary looking but they're just like me. I'm sure they'll love you just as much as I do."

"Ugh~ My heart is beating so fast. I can feel my wolf trembling as well." I told Victor, my face heating up.

"Hehehe. Come here for a moment. Yurio, Otabek you may go ahead. Tell the King and Queen that we'll be there in a minute."

"Yes your majesty." Otabek remarked.

"Sure." Yurio as well.

Victor dragged me into an empty room and I found myself in his tight embrace.

"Wha! Victor!? What are you doing!?" I said, embarassed, face feeling hoter than it was before.

"Helping you to calm down. Now, breath in and out, in and out, in and out."

I did as Victor told me. The scent of coffee and cinnamon prickling my nose. I really do love this scent of his. It makes me feel safe and calm.

"Haah~" I let out a big sigh and looked over at Victor.

"W-what?" He was looking straight at me without my realizing it. How long was he staring at me?

"Feel better now?"  He said with a cheecky grin.

"Yeah, thank you." I said with a small smile on my face.

"Are you ready?" He said holding out his hand.

"Yes." I let out one more big sigh and grabbed Victor's hand.

"Let's go Victor."


We walked until the end of the hall and turned right, where we passed an open- air garden.

"Wow~ Its beautiful." I practically shouted.

"I know right?"

"Why is there such a beautiful garden in such a barren kingdom?" I asked Victor.

"Actually believe it or not, my Mom and Dad were the ones who took care of that garden. Like me, it was their preciouse baby, that needed their love and attention as well. Its a miracle that they were able to grow something that beautiful in this barren wasteland. It just goes to say that nothing is impossible."

I stared at Victor, amazed by what he just said.

He caught me staring at him. I turned my attention somewhere else right away. A small blush evident on my face.

"Hehehe. Come on Yuuri. We're almost there."

He dragged me towards a really huge door and inside was a big and grand room filled with curtains, armor, and pictures. Pictures of the kingdom, pictures of the garden, and a picture of Victor with his family.

"Wow~" I said softly realizing that the King, Queen, Otabek, and Yurio were there staring at us.

"Hi Mom! Hi Dad!" Victor said happily.

"This is the one I was talking about. His name is Yuuri. Katsuki Yuuri." A big smile on his face.

"Hello our son" the king greeted Victor.

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