Summary: Chapter 2

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In this chapter the story starts with Yuuri, again, having a nightmare. But in this nightmare he experiences an even scarier dream but it was a warm dream as well because he was saved by an unknown person with gray hair, red eyes, and sharp fangs which smelled like coffee and cinnamon.

Yuuri then woke up to see Victor still beside him. He looked like the guy which saved me back then. And when Yuuri took a wiff he smelled like coffee and cinnamon as well.

Its the same, Yuuri practically screamed in his head. Victor then woke up and greeted Yuuri with a smile. Yuuri was about to ask Victor about that incident when Yurio and Otabek barged in the room.

Yurio was angry about Victor being well Victor. Yurio kept whining about how he doesn't do his daily duties properly. And then he reminds Victor about Makachin. Whobis a ball of fluff when he is with Victor but all demon dog when he hasn't seen him in a while.

Victor hasn't been able to see Makachin for 1 year.

With a deep breath Victor called out to Makachin and the dog came running towards us making mini earthquakes along the way.

Makachin cam bursting through the door happy to meet Victor again.

Victor introduced Makachin to Yuuri. Yuuri was scared at first but when Makachin gave Yuuri a big lick, he felt that everything okay.

Makachin suddenly shrank back to normal size making him remember about his dog Vicchan who sadly has passed away.

Victor told Yuuri that he can love him just as much he loved Vicchan.

The two then suddenly turned to Yurio and Otabek who were checking out the damage Makachin caused.

The chapter end with Yurio yelling "nagging" at Victor after he got teased by him. Yuuri giggling at them and awaiting what the day has to offer.


Thats it for the summary of Chapter 2. Hope you liked the gistbof the story so far. And I hope that you await the future updates. Thank for the understanding. For the last time, so sorry for the error. I hope you look forward to the following updates. I love you all~ 😘

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