Chapter 5

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'This is it!' I thought to myself.

'We're just a few steps away from the banquet hall.'

'Ugh... My nerves are acting up again' I thought nervously as I looked at my shaking hands.




"Huh?! W-what is it Victor?!"

"Well you weren't listening to me. Are your nerves acting up again?"

"How did you know?"

"Aside from your obviously shaking hands, your tail is kinda in between your legs. Didn't you notice?"

"Wah!" I hurriedly fixed my tail and pouted at Victor for not telling me sooner.

"Are you alright now?"

"Oh! Now that I think about it, its gone. Haah~" I let out a big sigh of relief.

"Okay Yuuri, we're here."

'Aaand its back again. I felt my tail fluff up from the shock. We we're here? Already?' I thought to myself.

"Come on Yuuri" Victor offered me his hand.

"Huff~ Okay Victor!"

The huge doors opened and a flash of light blinded my eyes. When I opened them I saw the banquet hall. What a grand sight it was.

There were people everywhere. Not only vampires, but other beings as well. Just as Victor mentioned.

Suddenly everybody turned towards us and whispers could be heard from every inch of the room. I suddenly felt my stomach drop but the feeling went away when Victor held my hand, the notion proving that he was there for me and I should relax.

"H-hello everyone. M-my name is Yuuri. Katsuki Yuuri. N-nice to m-meet you." The room fell silent.

'D-did I say something weird?!' I nervously thought to myself.

I was gonna ask Victor what was wrong when everyone in the room suddenly cheered. The cheering was so loud that I couldn't hear myself think.

"Welcome Yuuri!" They all clapped and smiled.

'W-what? They're all so nice to me. I never experienced something like this before.'

"Sniff... sniff..."

"Wha- Yuuri are you okay?" Victor shook me gently, everyone was shocked too.

"I-its just... sniff... I never... in all my life... sniff... recieved something like this before. Waahh~" I sobbed really hard.

"Oh Yuuri~ Didn't I tell you that everything would be alright! Come here~"

Victor gave me a big and tight hug.

Everyone in the room suddenly squeeled.

"Kyaaahhh! Victor-sama! Your bride is sooo cute!"

Somebody in the room shouted.

"He's really handsome too! Kyaaahhh!"

"We hope that you would find happiness with each other!"

Everybody just kept cheering for me and Victor.

"Now now everyone!" It was the king and queen!

"Your Majesties have arrived!" Both Yurio and Otabek exclaimed as loud as they could so that everyone in the room could hear.

The crowd then bowed and split into two. Making way for the King and Queen to pass and motioned me and Victor to follow them.

As we made our way to our seats the king and queen exchanged smiles with everyone that we passed. Me and Victor did so as well and it made me feel all warm inside.

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