Update! But not really 😂

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Hello my beautiful readers! I have so many thing to talk about but first and foremost, My Victorian Vampire has reached 1k+ reads! Aaahhh! I didn't think this story was really worth anything. It was just something I made on a whim because I was bored during my classes but I'm so glad I published it! And I am so happy that alot of you are interested in my work! I love you guys so much!

On that note I am glad to tell you guys that I will finally make an update! I now have the time to make the second arc! Yay! But sometimes I get writer's block so I can only update every now and then, and not on a regular basis. Sorry!

Well that's all I have to say for now but I hope that you look forward to the update and the start of the new arc! And while waiting for the updates may I suggest you read my first book entitled My Lover's an Ayakashi?! I hope that you'll like the story too! That's it for now. Bye~


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