New Arc: Chapter 1

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Hey guys! Yeeeaaahhh, I know it's been a while, gomen 🙏, but first of all I want to thank you all for 2k reads! Yaayy! 🥳🎉 I never thought that this book would go that far and I have you guys to thank ❤️ Thank you very much! 🥰 I want to greet you guys with a Happy Holidays too! 🎄✨And the moment you've all been waiting for *drum roll* A NEW CHAPTER 🎉 Hahaha 😆 Enjoy~

"My lord, the preparations are complete." Says the servant kneeling in front of his master.

"I see, very good. The dawn of the blood moon is near. We must prepare everything for the awakening of our prince. He will guide us to the path of victory against those blood suckers. Let us strike when the moment is right! The time has come for us wolves to rise again! Aaawwoooo~"

- In the Nikiforov Kingdom, Victor's Room -

*Rustle rustle*

" Yaaaawwnn~" as I stretched and got up from the bed.

Hi guys! My name is Katsuki Yuri and I'm a werewolf! Alot has happened for the last couple of weeks but in summary I became the wife of the Vampire Kingdom's Prince, Victor! I know vampires and werewolves have a long and dark past but I am happy living here in the kingdom. Everyone is nice to me and treats me no less.

'I hope days like these would continue forever.' I thought as I was about to get up when I felt a pair of arms grab my waist.

"Wha-" I yellped in surprise as I fell back on the bed.

" I see your awake, Yuuri~" Victor said with a big smile on his face. Putting his whole weight on me.

"Urk- Yes, I' m awake Victor. Heavy!" I exclaimed as I felt  Victor's body on top of mine. I squirmed as I tried to escape when I felt a pair of fangs scraping my neck.

"Ngh- Victor!? " I said as a sweet smell was slowly filling the room making me blush.

"Hehehe Yuuri~ Pleeaase~ Can I~" Victor pouted as he gave me the puppy dog look.

"Ugh- You know I'm weak to that face right?? Still, isn't it to early to do that?" My heart beginning to thump hard when thinking about that.

"Pretty please~ With a cherry on top!" Victor pleaded with sparkling eyes.

"Sigh~ Fine, okay! You can do it." I agreed, still a little hesitant.

"Yay~ I love you Yuuri!" He said with a triumphant look on his face.

"Yes, yes, okay. Please be gentle with me. I love you too." I said as I plopped myself back on the bed, closing my eyes.

As I closed my eyes, I felt Victor's breath on my neck.

"Ngh- Victor..." I pleaded, as Victor was about to bite me when suddenly I felt his pair of fangs sink into my neck.

"Ah! Ngh~ Hah!" I exclaimed as Victor's fangs were going deeper and deeper. It was painful at first, but I started to feel dizzy, my head incapable of thinking anymore.

"Victor? Enough! I can't take it anymore!" I shouted, as I noticed the sweet smell filling the whole room, almost suffocating me. My heart began to thump. I was getting... scared.

"Victor? Victor, please stop! Your scaring me!" I pleaded as I faced Victor, and noticed that his eyes were glowing red. His face in a daze, like he was drunk.

I felt weaker and weaker, like my whole body was being drained. I was starting to lose consciousness, when I heard someone open the room door, it was the king and queen.

"What's this smell?" The queen asked preplexed.

"Wait, isn't this..." The king exclaimed, with a worried look.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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