Many Thanks!!!

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Hey guys! I know, I know! Its been such a long time since I've updated. Yeah, alright already! 😂

Okay... so... uuhh... There's a brand new chapter just for you guys! Its still under construction though! Tehe~ I was having second thoughts about continuing the story but when I saw that my story was ranked I was like ' Oh my god! I can't believe this is happening!' Yeah, I know I went all crazy because my book got ranked but to me it was really amazing!

I just want to thank all the people who had time to read my book. Especially those who voted for them. I also hope that my future readers would love the book as well.

Well guys see you soon! On to the next chapter! I still don't know how this story is gonna go but I hope that whatever I right will satisfy your cravings. Haha. Lol.

That is all! Bye bye~ 😘

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