Chapter 4

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'I am so nervous!' I thought to myself.

'What are they gonna think about me?'

'Do I look okay?'

'Do I smell okay?'

I breathed a heavy sigh as I sat on the bed.

"What's wrong Yuuri?" Victor asked in a concerned tone. He sat down beside me and tried to comfort me.

Hi scent faintly filling the room, calming down my nerves a bit.

"Oh you know..." I hanged my head, looking down on my hands. The action making me looked more depressed.

"What is it Yuuri? Does your stomach hurt? Are you feeling dizzy?"

He placed his hand right on top of mine squeezing it gently.

"No nothing of that sort Victor. Its just that... I'm so nervous for the feast. Everybody in the castle will see me, will get to know me. I'm afraid that they might not like me or may not like the fact that I'm a werewolf..."

"Oh Yuuri~ You were brooding over something silly like that?" Victor giggled. Amusement clearly written all over his face.

"Its not silly okay! I think that its a very important matter." I puffed, pouting at Victor who was trying to hold in his laughter.

"Yuuri~ Although, yes, we are a vampire kingdom which means majority of us are vampires yeah. It doesn't mean that all of us are."

"What do you mean?" I asked in a confused way.

"Not all of the beings here are vampires Yuuri. There are other creatures living here as well. My mom and dad's kingdom is very unique. We are more like a kingdom of mixed races."

"Oh! I thought it was all vamps living here. There are others as well? What are they like?" I asked excitedly, my nerves disappearing right away.

"Well, there are Pixies and Fairies in the garden, they help out mom and dad in taking care of it. Mermaids and Sirens in the lake surrounding the castle, they signal us whenever there is trouble approaching, there are Griffons in the treasure room, they are good in guarding things. And a whole lot more! Witches, Dragons, etc. to name a few really."

"Wow! Are there any werwolves here as well?" I asked shyly.

"Yeah, actually there are 5 werwolves in the kingdom. Phichit Chulanont, I think you would be great friends. Then there is Yuko Nishigori, Axel, Lutz, and Loop. Although Yuko is a pure werewolf, Axel, Lutz, and Loop are half breeds. Their dad, Takeshi Nishigori, is a pure vampire." Victor looked at me and was smiling at my shocked self.

" You mean that our type of relationship is not new in this kingdom?!"

"I told you didn't I..."

Victor held both my hands and pressed our foreheads together. The action making blush til the tip of my ears.

"that everything would be alright. No need to get all fussy. Hehehe."

"Hehe. Thanks Victor~" I looked into his blood red eyes. They were so alluring, slowly drawing me in. Slowly, intertwining our hands. His scent getting stronger and stronger. We were about to kiss when suddenly, again, Yurio and Otabek came barging in the room.

"Waaahh~ Otabek! Yurio! We were having a moment there! Huhuhu!"

"Oh! So sorry your majesties!" Otabek, apoligizing sincerely, had a faint blush on his still blank face.

"What?! I don't care! Just hurry it up! The feast is about to start!" Yurio still being Yurio. (Lol 😁)

"Hahaha. Thats alright Victor. We can have some alone time later on. We should go now."

"Hmm... Are you still nervous?"

I patted my chest and checked myself out.

"No, not any more I guess. Thanks to you Victor."

"Then..." Victor stretched his hand out.

"Ready?" He looked at me with assurance.

"Ready!" I grabbed his hand and we all headed out the room making our way to the banquet hall.


There you go guys! Thats it for chapter 4. Make sure to hit that vote button and feel free to comment.

Hope you look forward to the rest of this series and again I would like to express my gratitude to those who made my book ranking possible.

Love you guys! Ciao~ 😘

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