Summary: Prologue

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This part of the story showed how Victor and Yuuri met.

Yuuri was being sold by a businessman and Victor was his client for the day.

Yuuri was still wary of Victor in this part because not only does he know that Yuuri was a werewolf he was also the crown prince of the vampire kingdom.

The chapter ended when Victor ordered Yurio and Otabek, the Fairy and Bear, to transport Yuuri to the carriage.

Yurio was upset because Yuuri was really heavy but Otabek told Victor that it was alright.

Victor also added that Yuuri was amazing because he was able to survive for so long despite his circumstances.


Summary for my prologue. 😣 To my futures readers, again I am sorry. To my readers that are updated I am still working on the future updates. No need to worry. ☺ Bye~ Love you all! 😘

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