Summary: Chapter 1

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This chapter showed how Yuuri and Victor got to know each other.

The first part was when Yuuri was having a nightmare about the day when his pack betrayed him and sold him. He was filled with rage, he was about to pounce on that specific pack member when he felt a cold hand touch his cheek.

Yuuri then realized that he was pinning Victor under him accidentally scratching his face. He got scared at the thought of being sold again but Victor assured him that he would'nt and that injuries like that would heal in no time if you were a vampire.

Victor also introduced Yurio and Otabek to Yuuri here.

This part of the story was also when Victor told Yuuri that he was his bride to be.

At first Yuuri was reluctant but gradually accepted the thought due to Victor's kindness and warm words.

The chapter ended when Yuuri lost his strength because he was still drained and layed back down ready to sleep.

Victor requesting Yurio and Otabek to leave the room.

He was about to leave as well but was stopped by Yuuri asking him to stay for a while until he fell asleep.

Victor happily accepted his request and layed beside him. He peacefully slept after taking whiffs of Victor's warm and cozy scent.


End of prologue of Chapter 1. Hope you understand the story so far my future readers. Leave a vote and follow me if you are loving the story as of now. Love lots and Bye for now~ 😘

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