
10.7K 251 16

Chapter names and upload dates will be published and updated here.
Subject to change.
Dates are based in Australian time.

Title = published
title = upcoming
{xx.xx.xx} = date published
E = Edited

Author's welcome latest update: 10.03.18

Chapter 1: Social hierarchy {11.03.18}
Chapter 2: Time {14.03.18}
Chapter 3: Unexpected{20.03.18}
Chapter 4: It's Okay {21.03.18}
Chapter 5:  Insight {25.03.18}

Chapter 6: Slumber party {26.03.18}
Chapter 7: Fired {30.03.18}
Chapter 8: Furious {31.03.18}
Chapter 9: Strong {05.04.18}
Chapter 10: Curiosity {06.04.18}

Chapter 11:  Lessons {10.04.18}
Chapter 12: Moments{11.04.18}
Chapter 13: Work {15.04.18}
Chapter 14: Gifts  {16.04.18}
Chapters 15: Provoked {20.04.18}

Chapter 16: Change {21.04.18}
Chapter 17: Love {25.04.18}
Chapter 18: Epilogue {26.04.18}

Chapter #1:  Date {05.05.18}
Chapter #2: Intimate {10.05.18}

Author's Goodbye: {10.05.18}

I hope you enjoy x

Grace XOX

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