Chapter ~ 9

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Stronger|| Gabriel Lewis

Days blurred together, not knowing really what day it was. I just continued. I thought the grief of losing my mother was hard, the added grief of losing my father who is alive but a ghost of his former self, plus the responsibilities of taking care of two children and not to mention my self, I was getting crushed. All this happens in the span of just over a week. I lost everything I knew, all foundations and support systems.

Ive lost a lot but also gained something I never thought ever get to claim as my own. Friends. Two amazing humans that I don't have any idea how or why but they have become my support systems.

The two rulers of the school, said to be heartless criminals have welcomed me and my luggage in their home with out much of a second thought, made the twins laugh and smile, picked me up when I broke apart. I don't want to know what Or where I'd be if it wasn't for them.

Hunter has become Jacks best friend, both as immature as each other and the energy levels to match. Jack is basically Hunters shadow, following him everywhere and doing everything that Hunter allows him help out on, which is almost everything. Those two are either planing world domination together or watching Disney. There is no in between.

Lilly is still trying to figure out everything and come to terms with everything that has happened. She has opened up quiet a bit and let her shy but cheeky personality come out sometimes, but is the complete opposite of her twin. She has taken a liking to the kitchen, cooking and baking anything that Jaxon decides to make.

School is extremely different, No one touches me now as I have two bulky body guards that are usually right next to me. They double up as In class entertainment, since I've found that Hunter is in most of my classes and the three he isn't, Jaxon is usually in.

So I can't really complain about my life at the moment well apart from the stupid feelings that are starting poke at my heart. Jaxon has and continues to be my glue supplier, every time I break down and fall apart, he is there with his arms around me, sweet nothings murmured in my ear. Im blaming the feelings for the boy on me being unstable emotional wreak and that he has a drool worthy body.

"Yo What do you call a lesbian dinosaur?" Hunter asked smirking at me, we were working through a practice exam for economics, well I was. I glanced at him with a raised eyebrow, glancing down at his completed economics mock exam, damn he was finished already?

"A lick-lotta-puss" he continued grinning at his joke, I rolled my eyes at the crude joke, laughing along with his contagious laughter.
"What do you call the useless piece of skin on a dick?" I asked with a smirk, watching Hunters laughter dry up looking surprised at the makings of a crude joke. He shrugged raising an eyebrow.

"The man"


It was small, there was a few friends, work colleagues and some family who managed to come, not that their presence would be missed if they didn't show. My father has yet to show up, I have mixed emotions if i want him here or not.

A familiar face that I didn't expect to show was Claire, she walked up to me, her parents in tow. "I'm so sorry for your loss Gabe" She said softly, I nodded giving a weak smile as she hugged me. My confusion on why she was here was quickly cleared up when her mother mentioned being part of the same book club.

Jaxon walked up to me, pulling me into a tight hug, which I gave back, gripping the back of his suit, allowing a few tears to escape. Pulling back he flashed me a sad smile before turning to the older couple behind him, I guessed was his parents since the man looked like a carbon copy just older.

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