Chapter ~ 16

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Change || Gabriel Lewis

My body numb yet I could feel somebody gripping my hand, I could feel somebody rake their fingers softly through my hair but my body still felt numb.

My head felt weird and fuzzy, I could feel something up my nose which felt weird when I breathed. It was weird cause as much as I tried to move or wake up from this weird limo of consciousness i couldn't.

I don't know how much time goes between me being half conscience and not, I could hear voices though they sounded like echoes you'd hear deep in a cave with some body at the entrance shouting or it was muffled like somebody talking through a wall.  Some words were loud and others I could barely hear.

"Gabe. Miss. Up. I. You"  was all I managed to compute along with somebody gripping my hand, it made no sense to me, before i could try and think about what it all meant I was swept up by nothingness again.

When I came back there was no voices just a constant beeping and I couldn't feel anything nor the person that held my hand. I assumed the everyone left. My mind wasn't as weird anymore, like the fog cleared, allowing me to have normal thoughts and hear things normally. I felt tried, even though I've been asleep for this whole time, which must of been a large period of time considering no one was here anymore.

Considering I've been hearing the same beep for the last three years with my mother, I know I'm in hospital, why still is a mystery. My last memory was Jaxon and Hunter coming home from the gym. After that it gets dark and non understandable, the mess of sound and blurred pictures hurt my head, drained my energy trying to remember it.

It was made clear to me that I spaced out since the last time because people were around, I could finally recognise the voices as my head wasn't messed up and my hearing was back to working properly.

"We gotta tell him slowly, a lot that has happened, it will be big thing to process" I recognised as Holly's voice. How long have I been out for? What has happened?

"The question is, what do we tell him first? He has been through so much. I feel sorry for him man. Poor guy hasn't had a rest" that was Hunter,  Sounds like I'm going to have fun when my body decides to come back to the world of the living.


When my eyelids decided to seperate, I was alone, I think. My vision was blurry from not having glasses or contacts in. I noticed my body feeling a lot heavier then usual, my limbs felt like 10 kilo weights were hanging off them.

Moving my stiff neck was one of the most satisfying moves I have done, it cracked the whole time, loosening the knots in my neck.
I saw a set of glasses on the table beside me, I sighed in relief moving my arm which was a challenge in it self. Once my world got a little clearer, I found the light switch. Bad idea.
I was blind once more by the sudden harsh, bright light. Once my eyes adjusted, I saw cards and drawings piled on the side table.

Glancing down I saw my arms that were littered with a few nicely made bruises. For a minute I was highly confused on why, but soon memories of what happened flooded my mind.
I'm surprised he went this far, the effort and time he put into making my life hell, it's honestly sad. He needs to find a hobby, what doesn't include bashing my face in.

"Mr Lewis, glad to see your awake." A nurse said softly as she walked in, "I'm sarah, do you know why your here?" She asked picking up the clipboard off the foot of my bed and checking things.

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