Chapter ~ 14

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Gifts || Gabriel Lewis

Birthdays. The last time I had a party, was when I was seven, I invited my whole class, two of which were my friends. I decided I wanted to have my birthday at Mac Donald's. Every kid's dream party I'd say, out of the twenty four kids i so kindly invited. Six came, which I guess Is an alright turn out since I was the quiet kid at the back of the class that no one knew.

The twins never really had a party for their birthdays, not at home anyway. I'd usually bake cupcakes for them to bring to class but that's about it. We celebrated their birthdays in the hospital with Mum, if it happened to land on a Sunday, Dad would join giving them a few dollars each as a present. I always tired to get them a small gift.

My birthday was just over a week after, I never really celebrated it after the money got tight and Mum got sick. Mum would mention it to me quietly giving me a kiss, but that's as big as it got.

This year how ever, the twins will be getting spoilt. Holly just about had a fit when I told her  about our lack of birthday party's and gifts over the years, she vowed to change that and has planed a birthday party for the twins.

I'm proud to say that I could afford a gift for both of them with money to spare. This probably would be the best give I've ever afforded.

Today was the day , Monday, April 2nd. The twins birthday. Last night we baked chocolate chip cupcakes with purple and green icing for the classmates.

Holly has been busy with the apartment all day, while we were in school. Picking the twins up, they came racing out with large grins on their faces, hugging them tightly to my chest. "Gabe where's your glasses?" Lilly asked glancing at my face.

Jaxon wanted to see if contacts would work which they did so I've ditched the glasses for contact lenses and holy macaroni, I look different with out glasses, the people at school thought so too with their jaws scraping the floors.

"I'm wearing invisible glasses" I whisper as if it was a secret, she gasped her eyes growing comically wide. Jack began his tirade of questions about the invisible glasses making me laugh.

When we entered the apartment, I jumped slightly startled as a small group of people yelled surprise.  Gifts bags and wrapped boxes covered the dining table; Enough snacks and treats on the kitchen table to feed an army; colourful streamers and balloons decorating the apartment.

The twins looked around with wide eyes, their mouths agape with shock. "Happy birthday Lilly and Jack" Jaxon said ruffing up Jack's hair.  The two looked at each other, large grins spreading on their faces before they squealed loudly jumping about, engulfing us in hugs, yelling thank you's loudly.

"Don't thank us kiddos, this was Fairy godmother Holly's doing" Hunter said laughing  as he picked Lilly up, earning a kiss on the cheek.

Jaxon's and Hunter's parents were here along with Tara and a few older kids that I guessed were foster children of Holly and Kane. I thanked Holly numerous of times for what she has done.

"Honey like I said, a friend of Jaxon is a child of mine, those kids mean the world to Jaxon. They are absolutely beautiful children that I can't help but adore, So it's my pleasure dear."
She said pulling me into a hug.

When present time came around, the twins were completely spoiled rotten. They got clothing, toys. Jaxon giving Lilly a cook book while Hunter proved the custom made 'Lilly's kitchen' apron and oven mitts. Jack got nurf and water guns from Hunter while Jaxon gave Star Wars merchandise.

I got up quickly to grab my gifts, two identical looking boxes. Handing it to them, I was slightly nervous, I knew they would love it but I didn't want to upset them.

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