Chapter ~ 6

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Slumber party || Gabriel Lewis

Jaxon Coles. Someone I typically wouldn't want to be in a 10 meter radius of, considering James and his minions were always close by and yet, here I am. In the back seat of a BMW, a car that I could only dream about and admire from afar. The drive took less then 5 minutes to get to the twins school, considering there was traffic. 

Stepping out the car, I went to retrieve my reasons to continue living. They grinned when they saw me, running in my open arms, I ignored the pain lifting them from the ground for a few seconds, their giggles making my day a little brighter.

"I got a surprise for you two!" I said as I lead them to the car park, keeping quiet as they excitedly ask their questions about the surprise. I had to chuckle at some of the ideas they came up with. Lillian was convinced I got her a unicorn.

"You got us a car?!" Jack yelled excitedly, a large grin spread over his face, eyes lighting up, as we neared Jaxon's dark blue car, I let out a laugh, I wish.  "No bud, not quiet" I replied opening the back door, "but you get to ride in one" I said chuckling at their excited squeals, almost happy that Jaxon offered, this is the excited and happiest I've seen them in a while.

"Move over, I have to fit as well" I chuckled at the two, who looked in complete awe of the car, Lillian grinned at me grabbing my hand and holding it tightly. "Your the best brother ever!" She said with a grin, jack voicing his agreement as he looked around the car interior.

"Guys, meet Jaxon who owns the car and Hunter" I introduced, chuckling as Jack jumped into all sorts of questions about the car. Lillian lifting my arm and wrapping around her shoulders, I smiled pressing a kiss to her head. Lilly was always excited and curious of cars but never a fan in actually riding in them, she had always been a bit uneasy with riding in a moving cars.

School was weird today. Well for me it was, my usual close encounters with floors, walls, lockers, and now James' fist and shoes, haven't happened at all today, I hardly heard an insult from James' mouth today with was extremely weird behaviour coming from him. I wondered what happened in the 24 hours I stayed locked up in my room.

Dad has yet to make an appearance at the house, I don't know where he is, cause he hasn't been home, usually I hear him come home but ever since Mum, he's been a no show. The twins don't fully understand what's happened with their mother, only knowing she isn't here anymore.  The funeral is being held in a 2 week from now, I have no idea how we are going to pay for it. Funerals aren't cheep as we found out.

We arrived at Jaxon's apartment building, the garden looking more expensive then my house. The twins were completely awestruck at the place, looking around curiously.  My eyes widened at the interior. How much money did Jaxon actually have? Either that or his parents have nice pay checks.

"Can I press the button please?!" Jack asked almost jumping out of his skin in excitement, elevators were another thing that the twins absolutely love to go in. Specially jack, he loves anything mechanical. "Sure thing kid" Jaxon chuckled lifting my brother so he could reach the correct floor, which was top floor.

"You're an excitable little boy aren't ya?" Hunter laughed, ruffing up his hair. "We never get to go in these things! Only when we visit mummy, but mummy's gone now." Jack rambled out looking around excitedly, saying way to much.

"Mummy's happy now, isn't she?" Lilly asked softly looking up at me, I smiled softly at her, blinking away tears. "Yeah, yeah she is Lilly" I muttered picking her up, placing her on my hip, ignoring the bruises that protested at the weight. I didn't look at the other two boys who I'm sure has put two and two together.

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