Chapter ~7

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Fired || Gabriel Lewis

I was woken by a body curling up with mine and small giggles, opening my eyes I saw the fuzzy picture of Jack laying next to me with a large grin and Lilly sitting on the edge of the bed. I chuckled wrapping my arms around Jack making him squeal, I laughed pressing kisses to his face as he squirmed to get out of my grip.

"Gabe! We had a sleep over!" Jack said excitedly as he held his arms out to stop my attack of kisses, his hands holding my face carefully so he wouldn't hit the bruise. "I know we did bud. Cool eh?" I said thanking Lilly for handing me my glasses making the world around me clear once more.

They pulled me out of bed saying they helped make me breakfast, I chuckled allowing them, I didn't have a shirt on, only some sweatpants that were slightly to big. They didn't even allow me to get a shirt before I was out the door, my torso was full of bruises for the world to see.

"Look Gabe! Look! We made pancakes!" Jack yelled excitedly pointing at plate of pancakes in the table, decorated with melted chocolate chips that resembled something of a smiley face. Pulling my arms in, which resulted in my sibling stumbling together, "thank you for this beautiful breakfast" I mumbled my arms wrapping around their waists tightly before I pressed kisses to there cheeks making them once again squeal.

"I smell.." hunter started as he entered the room, with out missing a beat Jack replied 'yeah you do' before bursting out in a fit laughter, Lilly giggled along watching hunter raise an eyebrow, a playful smirk rising on his lips,

"What was that little punk?" He asked walking slowly towards up. Jack eyes widened as hunters wiggling fingers, untangling him self from my hold and running off, his giggle following him. 

While jack was in laughing fits begging for hunters tickling mercy, Lilly offered her help with placing the cutlery on the table while my offer to help was declined. Only then did I notice Jaxon was very much like me, shirtless. Well Hot damn that boy has a nice body and a few tattoos.

Once breakfast was served, my mouth watered at the sight of the pancakes and bacon in front of me, we haven't had a proper breakfast in years. This breakfast didn't disappoint, it was delicious, the kids were for once quiet, as they enjoyed their breakfast. 

I couldn't help but be thankful, Jaxon invited me into his home, allowing my siblings to come too. Both Jaxon and hunter have been nothing below amazing with Lilly and Jack, I haven't seen them smile and laugh like this in a long time. Jaxon gave up his extremely comfortable bed and fed us, proper meals.

To be honest, the scary dynamic duo that rules the school, weren't all that the rumours say about them, they both are completely different to what I was expecting. Contrary to popular belief, Jaxon can talk and hold a decent conversation. Hunter entertained the kids and cracked a joke a few times. I can't say I didn't have a good time, cause I had a wonderful time. I'm almost sad that I have to go home.

"Can we stay here forever?! It's fun here!" Jack asked looking at me with hopeful eyes, I chuckled shaking my head "sorry bud" I muttered pushing the empty plate forward slightly. "You're welcome to come by anytime" Hunter offered, nudging jack with his elbow. "Can I come tomorrow? And the next day?!" Lilly joined the conversation, with a large grin, chocolate covering her mouth and teeth, her twin didn't look much better. 

Jaxon let out a laugh, which I almost melted to but quickly extinguished my mind's thoughts, "come on you two, let's get you cleaned up." I muttered, feeling self conscious of my body under Jaxon's stare.

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