Chapter ~5

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Insight || Jaxon Coles

Blood pumped loudly in my ears, my right fist swinging upwards, hitting the side of my opponents jaw, my final blow being just under his rib cage.

Screaming assaulted my hearing as arms wrapped around my shoulders, bringing me out of what ever trance I get into when I'm fighting. I glanced to my right where Hunter stood, his hand wrapped around my wrist as he held it up with a grin on his face. Looking around at the screaming crowd, I let a smirk rise on my lips, hearing my name being chanted.

Daniel handed me four wads of cash, kept together with lackey bands. Four thousand dollars cash, for wining the fight and ten percent of the bets that were made tonight on top.

It was easy cash for less then thirty minutes work, apart from a few cuts, bruises and the occasional broken bone, I couldn't complain earning over four grand a night; 2 nights a week, cash in hand. No strings attached, the more consecutive wins, the higher you get on the board, the more money you win. Simple. Don't show, no money and you start again from the bottom.

The boss, Daniel, is a multimillionaire and has money to blow off so he started this unground, bordering illegal fight club of sorts in an abandoned car warehouse on the dark side of town, which has been turned into a fighting ring, and Gym.  Every night from 9pm till midnight basically is fight night.

Since I've been fighting since I was fifteen, I've gotten to know Daniel, who to be honest isn't a bad guy. He took me under his wing, taught me all I know and basically gave me a job fighting. I get a grand for showing up, no mater if I win or not.

I gave him a nod before allowing hunter to pull me out of the cage, through the chanting crowd and into a private room with my name plastered on the door. Another wad of cash waiting for me, which as usual I hand over to hunter, since he trains me through the week and makes sure I don't die of infection.

He cleaned up my wounds to the best of his ability's, commenting that none are hospital worthy tonight.  Hunter passed me a beer, commenting on my win, before both of us chugged the bottle. It was post fight routine.

"So Whats up with nerd boy?" Hunter asked curiously as we waited for Daniel. I looked up from my phone, shrugging. I really don't know why the hell I invited the kid to our table, stupid move really, he's gonna probably get it from James tomorrow.

Ive always wondered why James and the rest of the school were so adamant on making the kid's life a living hell, cause in reality, me and hunter are loners to, we don't have a cliché group to define us or a large group of friends, yet for some reason we are treated like royalty. 

I almost feel sorry for him. Almost.

"I have an English project to with him. He ain't no use to me if he is dead" I replied, English is the one subject I have a hard time passing, i can't help it, I need to pass English if I want to graduate, part of the assignment is how we work together.

"Plus James is a try hard, dick-twat" I added, earning a laugh from Hunter. I don't play football but fuck, James can't play for shit, I swear the only reason that asshole is on the team is because his uncle is coach. His dad must be loaded with the amount of money he has to fork out to pay coach to keep twinkle toes as quarterback, let alone on the team.

Daniel walked a grin spreading on his lips, most clubs like this are usually illegal and gang related so entering them is risky and not that trustworthy.  Daniel has a family and a business reputation to up hold so he can't afford the club to become associated with gangs and illegal activities unless it's far below the radar, like this club.

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