Chapter ~12

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Moments ||Gabriel Lewis

Tears, I was sick of the little salty water droplets that stained my cheek. I swear I'm going become dehydrated with the rate I'm going.

Jaxon has his arms wrapped around me once again, holding me together as he whispered not the worry, everything will be fine. I'm not believing it at the moment, I have ten cents to my name, and I have to provide over a grand of school fees for the twins and well me, but that's optional.

How can someone throw there lives away, push away everyone and change completely change over the span of a month, just over. It completely blew my mind. I'm the one that's suppose to spiral out of control and become dark and depressed not him.

"What have I done wrong? Why does life start to look up and then tear me down. Can't I get a break?" I said wiping my tears, laying back in Jaxon's bed, relaxing slightly on the comfortable mattress. Jaxon mirroring my action his arm laying on my stomach. No my heart is not getting any ideas, not at all.

"You've done Nothing wrong. You've gone above and beyond with keeping your siblings safe and happy." Jaxon said softly, my mind was really trying its hardest, but it had a hard time with Jaxon's fingers that were grazing bare skin, was proving a hard distraction to ignore.

This boy is killing me. Killing me softly, not with his song but with affection.

"What am I going to? I can't keep scabbing off you. I don't know where to start for a job, if I do I probably have to drop out if I want to earn enough money to support the twins with school, and pay back you for all you've done." I rambled nervously, the thought of the bill that I owe Jaxon makes my head spin.

"Gabriel, listen to me." He said pulling his self up on his arms which were now on both sides of my head. Not helping my case at all. "First. Get this stupid idea out of your head that I would ever accept your money. Cause I won't, so stop worrying about paying me back my money, it's not going to happen, i have enough money. " he said his beautiful brown eyes staring into my soul.

"Second. Your job, is to take care of the twins, and if you want something to do then clean the apartment." He said his head leaning down slightly. I went to argue his deal as it wasn't fair. Before I could, Jaxon's lips were on mine.

Holy fuck.

His lips were soft as he kissed my frozen body. My brain was having a hard time telling my heart to keep beating. My lips thankfully became responsive, kissing him back with the no experience that I had. Sad life I know.

"I'll worry about the money" he whispered, his brown eyes staring down at me, a small smile on his lips. "You worry about what you're going to wear for our date" he said, making my eyes bulge slightly. Date? Jaxon Coles doesn't do dates. "Don't look so shocked" he said laughing pressing a kiss to my forehead before laying on his side.

"You're gay?" I blurted out seeming to find my voice, he chuckled his arm wrapping around my waist, pulling me into chest. "No. I'm demi-sexual, I think that's what it's called. I'm attracted to your personality, or as google says, the emotional bond between us." He explained his fingers intertwining with mine.


"Gabe?" A small voice mumbled, turning my head back I found my brother, stratcat cuddled into his chest. Hair sticking up in all directions. "I can't sleep" he mumbled, I smiled softly opening my arms for him, he waddled over climbing on the couch, curling up on my lap.

We were watching a random documentary series, about famous bridges around the world. This episode was about the Sydney harbour bridge, Jaxon had an arm around my shoulders, Hunter sitting in one of the chairs with Tara on his lap sleeping.

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