Chapter ~15

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Provoked || Jaxon Coles

"There are scouts coming to tomorrow's fight"  Hunter said as I sat down on the couch, the twins were sleeping peacefully, finally. Both asked a few more questions about their dad, that I had to dig up quick lies up, following Gabriel's stories. 

Their father was a prick of a man, I can't understand how someone could completely ruin their life when they have young kids that need them. I know that Gabe is amazing in that respect cause he has raised the twins for the past few years. It's not fair on Gabe, he had to grow up quickly to make sure his siblings were taken care of, and when he needed some one his father wasn't there. I was.

"Scouts? For what?" I asked, playing a game on my iPad. I know Daniel mentioned that I should go professional with fighting, but I never thought I was good enough, I'm just a school kid trying to make some money on the side. Plus professional means I would have to reveal what I've been doing to my parents.

"For the big leagues my man! You do what you do, win. You might get a contract, get some big bucks , make a name for your self!" Hunter said excitedly waving his hands around to make a point.

"If you get a contract you can get proper training with a professional trainer, things I can't help you with bro." He added watching my reaction. "Let's first see if they show up and if by chance their interested then I'll think about it" I responded, groaning when my phone went off, huffing I got up, jogging across the room to find my phone. Eyes furrowing at the unknown number.

"Mr Coles?" A male voice came from the the other side, sounding slightly annoyed, "yes, speaking?"

"I'm Harold Witiker, manger of Honey Pot hotel. You are put down as an emergency number to call for Gabriel Lewis correct?" Harold asked, my concern levels skyrockete.

"Yes. What happened? If he okay?" I rambled out, already searching for my car Keys "well nothing happened that's the problem. He never arrived for his shift. We are currently understaffed and need him today." Harold said which did nothing for my concern levels. Never made it? He left an hour ago!

"He left an hour ago! Fuck" I snapped hanging up the phone, Hunter was already at the door, keys in hand. "Let's go" hunter said opening the door.

The twins.

"I'll go. Stay here, if he comes back, we can't leave the twins alone." I ordered, he nodded throwing me his keys hesitantly, I nodded to him as I walked out the door. "Be careful" he shouted down the halls.

My eyes searched the the side walks as I drove the route he would of walked. Through there was no luck, I couldn't see him anywhere. Picking up my phone i called him, but it never went through, like his phone was off, which he never did.

My heart was quickly becoming heavy with stress and concern. I drove to the only other place I could think of that he would go. His fathers.

Walking up the overgrown path, I wondered how gabe and the twins live in this shit hole, the last time I came I got to see inside and the living conditions were horrible. Gabe didn't have glass in his window for fuck sake.
Pounding my fist on the door, I heard grumbling and a sting of curse words. I didnt really care, if that son of a bitch misplace a hair on Gabe's body I will kill him.

"What the fuck do you want?" The disgraced of a man snapped as the door swung open, I almost gagged at the rotten smell. "Where's Gabriel?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him, pathetic man.

"Some bitch called earlier about him but fuck if I care about the faggot. I told her to fucking keep him" Anthony slurred.

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