Auditions II

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The girls gathered at the gym waiting for Ms. Suzy to come. The latter promised to train them only if they aim to compete for America. She's known for being very strict and believes in hard work. For Ms. Suzy, as long as you can breathe you have to work and this is what the cheer dancing club needs, work.
Seulgi and Sowon came as promised, Mina and Chungha as well. They told Chaeyoung they're going to consider joining and they did which made Chaeyoung very happy especially after seeing their amazing performance the day before. There was about twelve other girls who came to showcase and god knows how talented they are. But the fact that there were people who are interested in Cheer dancing that was a good reason for Chaeyoung to feel happy.
It was too noisy inside the gym, all the girls were chatting and expecting how would it be like to cheer dance. As soon as the door opened, all the girls stood up and lined up facing Ms. Suzy.

"Are you aware of the goal of this club?" Ms. Suzy asked "America. We're going to America so if you are feeling tired you can leave right away"

"Why do I feel like like she's attacking!" Jennie whispered.

"She's scary to be honest" Chaeyoung responded.

"I'd like to know how well you can dance. go one by one" Ms. Suzy added.

Chaeyoung and Jennie looked excitedly at each other as they saw the other girls performing. There was contemporary dancers, hip hop, jazz...

"There's a lot of new added strengths to our club. That's going to be epic" Chaeyoung cheered.

"That's amazing. Rosé, Somi, Jisoo, Sinb, Lisa and Jihyo, they were all amazing. I can't wait to start training with them" Jennie said.

"Gyeom! How's your training going?" Chaeyoung asked Yugyeom on their way home.

"It's going very well. Guess we're even preparing for a local competition"

"You are?"

"Yes. I hope cheer dancing is going well too"

"We added ten members. We became seventeen"

"That's cool, a lot of people seem to be interested in cheer dancing" Yugyeom cheered "this is it for me, see you tomorrow"

Chaeyoung bid goodbye to Yugyeom and kept walking. She was really happy to see Yugyeom doing what he loves to do and that makes her want to work hard as well. Chaeng walked like a little girl to be stopped by something weird. It was a small notebook thrown on the ground. It seemed to have fallen from someone's bag. She bent to pick it and see what's inside it.
She found a page on which a composition was written, it was entitled 'Mom'. Chaeyoung read the whole piece and almost teared up, she thought "whoever wrote this must be a real artist". It was signed at the bottom of the page with the name ...
"What?" Chaeyoung sighed "Suga? No it can't be the one I'm thinking of"
Chaeyoung looked around to see if it belongs to anyone. She saw two boys walking by the end of the alley so she thought it may be theirs.

"Excuse me" Chaeyoung called as she ran towards them "I think you dropped something"

The boys turned to see what's going on and they were quite surprised when they saw the notebook with Chaeyoung.

"Does this belong to you?" Chaeyoung asked again.

"Yes it does" one of the boys said as he took the notebook from Chaeyoung "we're sorry we made you run"

"Wait a minute I know you" Chaeyoung frowned "you auditioned for the dance club and..... I saw you somewhere else.... Oh yeah! I saw you before at the canteen with Suga. You must be his friends? I'm Chaeyoung by the way"

"Hi Chaeyoung, I'm Jungkook and this Jimin" Jungkook introduced "we knew Yoongi a long time ago"

"Yeah and you don't seem to be on good terms too" Chaeyoung added.

"How can you tell?" Jimin asked.

"You seemed to be arguing the other day and you said something about him forgiving you"

"Uhm ... This... This isn't important" Jimin muttered "I'll have to leave. Jungkook, Chaeyoung see you at school"

"What's wrong with him? Why is he confused?" Chaeyoung wondered.

"Of course he would. We all are confused when it's about Suga" Jungkook said.

"Why? Is he that bad?"

"Nope! We wronged him once, we did something he couldn't forgive us for"

"Can I ask you about it?"

"He is very skilled at composing. He wrote a lot of good pieces but there was that one piece that he wrote for his sick mother. He wanted to make her proud but it happened that we stole it from him without credit for our school end of year festival. He was hurt to hear it performed by us. He was even more hurt when his mother wished that he could write something beautiful like that for her, she didn't know that it was actually for her and by him" Jungkook explained.

"This is terrible" Chaeyoung said while covering her mouth "and does she know now?"

"Nope. She's been in a coma since that day, she didn't wake up"

Chaeyoung wanted to break into tears, she was about to. Everyday she learns something new about Yoongi that makes her realise that she really wronged him when she said he is a creep. Chaeyoung was really shocked to hear such a story meanwhile she felt relieved to know another thing about Yoongi.

"But you know, you must be really special Chaeyoung-sshi" Jungkook interrupted Chaeyoung's thoughts.


"Suga is the name Yoongi uses as a composer. He doesn't tell people about it unless you mean something to him"

Chaeyoung parted ways with jungkook but his words didn't leave her head. Chaeyoung treated Yoongi wrong since day one. Not only she called him names but also she didn't realise that he tried showing her and Yugyeom respect by telling them his secret nickname. For the first time Chaeyoung felt guilty  that she thought that she's actually a very bad person.

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