Dream -1

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Chaeyoung put on her scarf and headed to the hospital to visit her father. She was excited to see him for the first time after she got back from Seoul. Chaeyoung walked down the street with a wide smile feeling proud that some people recognised her as the centre who represented Anseong in the Cheer dance competition. Chaeyoung stopped walking at the sight of a huge banner at the main gate of Anseong's largest mall.

"Our National Dear are going to America ... IDOLZ fighting" Chaeyoung read the banner "Woah! I never expected such big attention"

"Why?" Someone appeared from behind Chaeyoung "you're doubting yourself cheerloser?"

"Yah!" Chaeyoung yelled at him "you promised not to call me that if I make it to America"

"Well, I'm someone whose word is worthless" Yoongi said.

"Aiiish" Chaeyoung rolled her eyes "what are you doing here anyway?"

"My father's store is right there" Yoongi pointed raising an eyebrow "did Seoul make you forget your neighbourhood?"

"Stop it, I was just surprised" Chaeyoung pouted.

"Where are you going?" Yoongi asked.

"I'm seeing my father" Chaeyoung said with a childish smile "I bet he'd be happy to know I won"

"Let's have a seat" Yoongi pulled Chaeyoung's arm.

"Hey, but I need to see my father" Chaeyoung struggled.

"Your father will wait. Let's just talk for a moment" Yoongi said as he made her sit in his father's store.

"What is it?"

"Where were you earlier?" Yoongi asked in a serious way "were you at home?"

"Yes, why?"

"And who was there? Eunwoo?" Yoongi asked.

"No I was on my own. You know I've just come back from Seoul and I didn't find anyone at home so I'm seeing my father"

Yoongi laid back on his chair and took a deep breath. He looked pitifully at Chaeyoung then moved closer to her.
Analysing his behaviour, Chaeyoung smelled something wrong and the thought of her father being in the hospital made her very worried.

"Did something happen?" Chaeyoung asked worriedly.

"No, I was just curious because usually they won't let you walk at night alone" Yoongi tried to act cool.

"I'm not a kid or anything, all I need is to see my father"

"Okay I'll walk you there" Yoongi stood up "I'll bring my jacket"

Yoongi walked inside the store to bring his jacket but then it wasn't his jacket that he was looking for. He immediately rushed to his phone and dialled making sure Chaeyoung isn't listening.

"Hyung" Yoongi called as soon as Eunwoo picked up.

"Is everything okay?" Eunwoo asked.

"I don't know, Chaeyoung is here with me and she said she's going to see her father"

"She can't" Eunwoo raised his voice a bit "make something up Yoongi-ah. You can't let her come"

"What am I supposed to do? I can't ---"

"Yoongi-ah! What took you so long?" Chaeyoung interrupted him "aren't you coming?"

"I'm.. I'm coming.... Of course I'm coming" Yoongi hesitated for a moment "can we just go somewhere else before we go to the hospital?"

"Somewhere like what?"

"Actually my mother wants to see you so bad especially after winning the championship" Yoongi said.


"You know I don't take no for an answer" Yoongi said as he pulled Chaeyoung "dad I'll be heading home"

Eunwoo leaned towards the wall as he thought about what the doctor said. He dropped a tear then reached his hand to his pocket to answer his phone that was ringing.

"Ah! Yoongi-ah" Eunwoo answered "where's Chaeyoung?"

"At home with my mother" Yoongi said.

"She didn't ask any questions?"

"She was a bit confused but she's fine now"  Yoongi paused for a moment "How's your father?"

"As usual, unconscious" Eunwoo said in a broken voice "he didn't wake up in two days"

"What did the doctors say?"

"They're not sure if he can make it" Eunwoo started dropping tears "I'm not sure he's going to survive this time"

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