Coming Clean III

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Kai kept walking back and forth in his room. Something was making him worried and he was hesitant about it. He held his phone in his hands and scanned it, thinking if he should make the call or not. He then took a deep breath and dialed.


"Yugyeom-ah" Kai responded "Sorry for calling at this hour but can we meet now?"

"Is everything alright?" Yugyeom asked.

"I don't know..Let's just meet"

"Okay I'll see you at Starbucks in ten minutes" Yugyeom said.

Kai ended the call and wore his jacket aiming to leave. Even though he was too scared to do it but he ended up plucking up his courage and decided to talk to Yugyeom about his secret. He stood in front of the café to take a breath then entered to find Yugyeom waiting for him.

"What made you want to see me at this hour?" A worried Yugyeom asked "Is it serious?"

"Well, listen up and decide if it's serious or not"

"I'm listening"

"You may be asking yourself why I chose you over everyone else and you barely know anything about me, but believe me, the person who came straight into my mind when I thought about coming clean is you" Kai started "I have a secret that I want to unveil and I think that you'll understand" Kai took a deep breath "A day before the regional competition, Hoseok accidentally found out about my family ... The family I never met. He saw this and he knew everything" Kai said as he slid the photo to Yugyeom.

"I know this photo, it belongs to Chaeyoung, she showed it to me once" Yugyeom said as he frowned "But what does your secret have to do with Chaeyoung and her family?"

"Read the note on the back" Kai requested.

"Chaeyoung-ah, Eunwoo-yah, I hope we could live like real siblings one day?" Yugyeom changed his tone "Jongin-ah, I'm starting to get confused"

"Chaeyoung's father happens to be my father too, the one who abandoned me" Kai lowered his head.

Yugyeom laid his back to his chair and kept looking at Kai, unable to say anything. Surprise got the best of him and he couldn't react. Chaeyoung never mentioned anything like that to him. He knew that Mr. Wonyoung was once married but he never knew that he had a child.

"I myself doubted that before but how can you be so sure?" Yugyeom snapped out of his thoughts "Chaeyoung never talked to me about that"

"Chaeyoung herself doesn't know this. Only Eunwoo knows" Kai explained "I reached an age when I felt the need to have my parents around me and I started looking for them. I found only my father. He admitted that I'm his son but he refused to accept my existence in his life, he said that he only has Eunwoo and Chaeyoung and he can't accept me"

"How about your mother?" Yugyeom asked.

"I know nothing about her" Kai lowered his head.

"So .... What are we going to do now?" Yugyeom wondered.

Kai looked amazedly at Yugyeom and smiled at him. He didn't get disappointed, he thought that Yugyeom is the best person to talk to and Yugyeom didn't disappoint him. Instead, he was up a gum tree and looked concerned as if he's dealing with a problem of his own. Impressed, Kai smiled satisfyingly wide to Yugyeom.

"Indeed" Kai said " I came to the right person.


"Even though we don't know that much about each other, the first person that came to my mind was you and I'm not disappointed"

"We're one team now, aren't we" Yugyeom smiled "that means your concern is mine.... And above all, you're Chaeng's brother, that makes me even more involved"

"Thank you Yugyeom-ah"

"You're very welcome" Yugyeom smiled "but we have to do something to find your mother"

"Something like what?"

"Like talking to Eunwoo and see if he could give us any clues" Yugyeom clenched his fist and took a deep breath "Leave this to me, I'll talk to him"

Ms. Suzy took off her pijamas and wore her Jersey. She felt alive again as she decided to get back to work especially to the cheer dance club. She filled her chest with air and made her way to the auditorium. Even though the doctor told her to have more time off but she insisted to resume working.

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