Sparks Fly (Lance x ftm!reader)

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You walked down to the entrance of the castle. You were visiting a planet for a few hours, thanks to Allura needing some supplies for your next adventure. It's a very beautiful place. It was covered in plants and fields of nothing, other than a small village on a hill.
You walked outside and took a deep breath. You loved it here. The air was fresh, everytging wasn't messed with by the people who lived here. They believed it was evil to harm the life living around them.
You gasped as you saw dark clouds moving towards the castle. A smile was painted on your face. They looked like rain clouds.
You quickly ran in the direction of clouds. You could almost hear the pitter patter of rain on the ground as you grew closer.
You ran faster until you were met half way with the clouds. You stopped and looked into the sky. A drop of wetness landed on your forehead. Then another. Then another. Until water poured from the dark sky anf touched your face.
You couldn't wipe the smile off your face as you danced around. You hadn't been this happy since you realized you had a crush on the blue paladin.
You spun and tripped, causing you to tumble into a big puddle. You grinned even wider at the sight of you covered in mud and laughed loudly. Your laugh and joy radiated through the land.
Right as you were about to get up from the sticky mud, a hand came into your view. You looked up, your right eye ended covered by soaked mud covered hair.
Even then you could tell who it was by his clothes, you moved the hair and wiped your eye so you could open it.
The tall Hispanic, Lance stood there, holding out his hand. "Having fun there?" He asked, amusement laced his tone. You nodded quickly, grinning ear to ear. You took his hand and as he pulled you up, he let out a stunning smile.
"Isn't this beautiful?!" You asked excitedly, your emotion spilling into every word. This was paradise for you.
Looking up and around us, Lance sighed happily. "Yeah. The most beautiful thing I've ever seen." Lance whispered, but what you didn't know was that he wasn't talking about the rain.
He looked down at the ground and grabbed your hand. He looked up quickly avoiding eye contact, but continuing to grip your hand.
You looked at him, expecting him to say anything about his action, but recieved none. It was obvious his face was red, maybe from the rain or his hand holding yours. His face scrunched up as he seemed to be trying to make a decision. You smiled and asked if he was okay.
He shook his head. "No. How could I be okay with you so close to me?" You froze and felt my heart drop. Not fully understanding what he means. Your thoughts went to thw worse. Did he not want you around? "What?"
He panicked and backed away, putting his hands up. "That's not what I meant! I mean, whenever you're around I always freak out. I can't think straight when you're around." He rubbed his neck and sighed.
He walked quickly up to you and grabbed the back of my neck. You gasped as he pulled you into a kiss. When he pulled away, he was as red as the red lion. You couldn't speak.
He smiled shyly at you. "You look ridiculous. You're so red." he commented and laughed.
You growled and kicked water at him. "Don't kiss me and then make fun of me! You're screwing with my emotions!" You shouted.
Lance laughed lightly and hugged me tight. "Sorry." You stayed like that for a while. When Lance pulled back he kissed your cheek. "Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked out of the blue. You looked up fast and took a second to nod.
Smiling like an idiot afterward, you repeated those words in your head.
He smiled and pulled you back into a kiss. This one was passionate. You felt sparks fly as he grabbed the sides of your face and you stood on your tiptoes.
You heard a click and Lance quickly moved away. You two looked to the side and Pidge stood there with a camera and an umbrella. She smirked and took off to the castle. Lance growled and turned to you. "Be right back." He gave you a quick peck on the lips and took off after Pidge screaming at her to give him the camera.

Trans!Ftm x Fandoms (Watty Awards 2019)Where stories live. Discover now