Chapter 3

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Sorry for late updates I was rewriting "Me You and maybe the stars" Hope you can forgive me....

Red's POV:
The whole day was... Boring to be honest. If you think back, how much you want a happy ending but when you get it... you can't enjoy it. Like it's something missing. But you don't know What is missing. I let out a small sight, and close my eyes. Laying back at the green coach I was sitting at, while there was news at the TV. Classic was sleeping next to me, his eyes close. He look so peaceful, like nothing is bothering him. I wish I could be like him right now. But wait I am him but a another version of him.

~Time skip cuz this is getting bored~ (Let say 2 hours time skip)

I hard knock hears from the downstairs. I was lazy to get up and open to do so classic's bro did that instead.
-Well I'm going to see Red, Classic and Blue. The person outside said

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute. The voice, it was.

-RAZZ!! Blue shouted and almost fly down from the stairs and run into Razz chest and hugged him tightly. And well poor Razz.... He fall to the ground while Blue on him.

-Get of me!! Razz yelled blushing red (Or whatever color he has when he is blushing) because of the position.

I smirked and Classic beside me yawned and open his eye socked.

-What's happened here while I was asleep? He ask while slowly drifting himself to sleep again.
-Well Razz are here. I said
-Ok, tell him that I'm sleeping. He said and start to walk upstairs, Wait how the heck did he came there so fast.
He looked at me as he already read my mind.
-Shortcut. He simple say
-Wait don't go Bonehead! Razz yelled
-Help me Instead for going to bed!
-Welp to bad, I'm to lazy for that. He said and walked away
-F**ck yo.... Razz started.
I could feel Classic's eyes burn in the air.

-Let us you child friendly word here. Classic say cold and teleport in front of Razz.
Classic's eyes was pitch black, and that made Razz shut up.

~Time skip~ (again)

We all sat in the table Classic in the end of the table nearest the wall and Razz on the other side. Me? I'm sitting beside Classic and Blue in front me.

Classic's POV:
It was pretty silent, and awkward. I looked at the right ,Red and the left ,Blue, right in front of me... Razz.
Papy came and give everyone a cup of  butterscotch's tea, it's a poison but we skeleton doesn't have organ and meat so I think it's ok.
We sat there in minutes and wait for someone to break the silent. Well... Blue is already talking nonsense when Papy came in. So it's more like the other is silent and Blue is the one who talking about something, maybe tacos. Who knows.
When Blue finally realize that nobody is listening, he shut his mouth up. So now, welcome back silence.

It's was only silence and silence.
I sigh, now let's stop the silent.
-Sooooooooooo, what bring you here then Razz? I ask
-Oh, right. He say and took out for small pieces of paper and give us three one.
-I was going to invite you to a sleepover, but I forget so now you get them. All the other info is on the piece of paper. He say
-Well then I'm done I think. He then stood up from the chair. We all followed him to the hall and winked him of.

I walked up to my room soon as Razz was gone and start to read the paper as I sat on my bed.

^^The piece of paper^^

Wednesday at my house. Two house after Alphys and Undyne. 19 pm. Other Sans are invited to.
God luck and see ya there.

Well that's the chapter guys! Hope you enjoy this cuz it's the longest chapter right now.

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