Chapter 4

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It was some sort of wrong word in the last chapter. I have change it now. And my first book "Me, you and maybe the star" it's soon rewritten and done, it even got new chapter! Don't miss it when it came out!!!

Nobody's POV:

Classic knock at the brown door.
-Are you sure he is home it the third time we knocked now. Red say beside him as he looked at Classic.
Classic sigh and looked at him
-He say it was 19 pm and then it is. We can only wait.
-Yeah but it's already- Red was cut by the door slowly open.
-Well screw this then. Red say and turned his head away from Classic and looked at the door.
As the door open Razz showed up, in pajamas? Riiiiight it's a sleepover. Classic, Red And Blue walked in. They were shocked, the house were much.... smaller then expected. No wrong it was much bigger. It had a second floor and the living room was two time bigger then Their living room. The walls were White a Very big 3D tv in till the wall, a black wood table in front the TV yeah just think it's your dream house.

-Hey Classic,Red,Blue! Someone shouted
They all turned to their left.
-Ink! Blue shouted, he dropped his bag at the floor "Pang" and he run to ink.
-Wait Blue, No nonononono! Ink say as Blue literally jumped at him so that he falls to the floor.

Classic's POV:
I grabbed a bag of popcorn and give it to Red
-It's a movie. I simple say as we watched everyone help Ink up.
-Come and help us and how in the heck do you get the popcorn? Razz yelled.
-It was at the table. I answer him
-That was my popcorn! Error shouted as he hold Ink up and dropped him again to take the popcorn. (I'm lazy to do the glitch)
-Uff, Ouch. Ink yelled in pain when he hit the floor for the second time.
Error grab the popcorn from my hand, and looked inside.
-How much do you eat? He ask
-Meh, I don't know. I answer him
-Idiot. He say as he walked over to Ink.

~Timeskip cuz I can~

Everyone sat at the big black couch and watched Tv while blue and Razz was at the kitchen and make some snacks.
The inviter was Error, Ink, Dust,Outer, Sci,Cross, killer, Horror Me,Dream, Blue and Red.
And of course Razz. The TV showed some type of Horror movie or other shit, I didn't really care cuz I was sleeping at the couch. My head resting on Red's Shoulder. It was a accident that my head ended up on Red shoulder.

Red's POV:
I wasn't really interested in the TV more interesting that Classic Head is leaning on my shoulder. Or resting whatever it called. He looked so adorable? And he is snoring quite.
I looked away and started to stare at the TV like a Zombie.
Wait... zombies doesn't have brain, it's that why they are so idiotic and pathetic? But... we skeleton doesn't have brains to!!! Waaaaaaaaait why am I thinking of logic right now?
After some minutes of thinking stupid logic thing Razz and blue finally came with the snacks. It was at the wrong time cuz the movie already ended. Buuuut nobody wanted to make Blue sad sooooo they decided to eat that. I carefully shake Classic to waking him up. After like 2 min he finally started to open his eyes socket. He asked me what's going on and I told him that the snacks is ready, he only nodded as he took a taco from the plate and started to dig in (Or eat)

~After the snacks~

When everyone was satisfied it's time to go to the bed. Razz only got 6 Guest room so we had to share with each other.

^^Room mates^^

Room 2:Ink, Error
Room 3:Killer, Horror
Room 4:Dust, Blue
Room 5Outer, sci
Room 6:Dream, Cross
Room 7:Red, Classic

^^Back to reality^^(In this book)

We all started to Walked to our rooms. Me and Classic room Was nearest the stairs also in the second floor. Room number 2 was in floor 1 nearest the kitchen. Room number 6, the right from our room. Room 5 beside room 6, room 4 the left from our room and room 3 beside room 4.
I asked Razz why we couldn't use Room 1, and he answer cuz that he has turned room 1 to a garage.
And how is that possible? Don't ask me.

Omg my hand!! It's over 9pm I should be sleeping! So god night. I hope you enjoyed this chapter cuz I really worked hard on it! And I want to show you guys something, this doesn't belongs to me, I found this on pinterest

 I hope you enjoyed this chapter cuz I really worked hard on it! And I want to show you guys something, this doesn't belongs to me, I found this on pinterest

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