Chapter 9 and a tag

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Fuc it! I'm going too update! So guys! After for fricking 1 month here ya go....... Chapter 9!!! Now it's up too you if you enjoy it or not! Bye.

Nobody's POV: ( with Classic )

-Hi, comedian, missed me? Her eyes was staring at him, filled with hatred and revenge. Those red eyes he will never forgets. He backed two step realized he was in the judgment hall. I front of him he see.... himself. Half dusted by the kid. A slice from his shoulder down his hips. He was holding his chest as he was hurting very bad, and he was.... bad injured. He was scared. The world began to spin and in the next second he saw himself holding papyrus scarf, the wind blowing and himself with an unreadable face, blank socket and small blue tears running down his cheeks.

He wanted too scream but nothing came out. He notice that he couldn't do anything. The "Him" in front  of him stared at him. And say something that sounds like a whisper "why couldn't we save him?" With that the other "himself" disappeared. And the next act, he was in a very dark pitch black room, filled with darkness, hatred. All the dark feeling through the air. He could smell the fear of his own. The word from "himself" was stuck in his mind. "Why couldn't we save him?" It reply in the dark room, "why? Why?" He hold his arms protective around his head as it will keep the voice away. But it didn't. The word was going on

-"s-stop..."his voice was breaking, the stutters was painful. Tears running down his face. "Please stop"

He wanted the voices too stop but it didn't.

"վօմ ϲօմӏժ տⱭѴҽ Հíʍ ҍՄɾ ՎօՄ ժíժղ'ե" (here ya go translation. You could save him but you didn't)

-"I-I tried... I really tried.." He was now sobbing. He wanted it too stop.
A shadow fall in front of him. He stopped sobbing and looked up. In front of him stand his brother. Unharmed. His brother looked with pity at his older brother.

"WHY SANS? ARE YOU SO LAZY THAT YOU DON'T EVEN CARE IF I DIES? " and with that, his brother looked away. Leaving him, broken. Papyrus disappeared in a pile of dust.

He couldn't take it. He doesn't want too accept. All he wanted was too be free and happy. Free from the nightmare. And free from the reset.


He woke up sweating. His breath was going fast and his soul was beating faster than ever. He sat up and feel a pang of guilt in his soul, he put the feelings away. Where? He nearly forget that he was in a mirror world.

-R-right, Papy is alright. R-right? He hated when he was showing weak. He was angry at himself. Angry because he was so weak, angry because he couldn't find a escape out of this hell. He was just sobbing on the couch. He wanted too give up.

Suddenly the door flung up with a crash. Classic immediately stopped. Wasn't he the only one here, and the fresh guy. Maybe that's him?

-F-Fresh? He whisper. Scared if that wasn't him but a another dangerous monster
A gestalt walked in to the living room where he was. They had a red scarf and a battle body.

-Razz? He was confused. Razz? In this place?


~Time skip~

-Ok so let me get it clear. We are in a What it called "Mirror world"? Ima right?

Classic nod.

-Fuuuuuuuuuuuck.... why does I alway need to be involved in some other shit? Razz say in frustration as he pulled his head back, annoyed of what's happening.

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