Chapter 5

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I got 21 follower! Oh god. Thank everyone who followed me and the one who read this book!

Classic's POV:

Me and Red enter room 7, we put our bags a bit next to the door. A bed was standing on a corner and a picture in front. The walls was white and from the window you could se mount Ebbot.
The mountain the monster was trapped over hundreds and hundreds year.
I lay down at the bed. OMG! The mattress was so soft it feels like your at the cloud. Which is probably something you can't do, I mean to be at the cloud.
-How is it feel? A voice from the door say.
I and Red turned at the door and Razz was there and looked at us.
-It's soft and nice. I respond
-Glad to hear. He say and walked away.

~After some minutes~

-Ummmm.... me and Red say awkward over the situation.
We looked at the bed and each other. We had so much fun tonight that we forget to decide who will get the bed and who will sleep at the floor. On a mattress.
-You can take the bed. Red say and looked at me.
-You Sure? I asked him if he regret what he just say
-Y-Yes it's ok. He say.
-Thanks. I say and smile at him
He smiled back. I took of me my hoodie and walked in to the bathroom to change clothes and brush teeth.
It's not really changing clothes more like you only switch t-shirt. A white to Pun t-shirt. I brushed my teeth. And walked back. Face plant myself on the pillow. And drifted to sleep. I don't have time to feel lonely or depressed, now I'm only going to feel fear. But I'm to tired to trying be awake. Or maybe even lazy.

Red's POV:

I just sat there. On the mattress. Staring at my phone. It's 12 am (00.00). I sigh and put down the phone, it had like 20% battery but I didn't care.
I was still in the thought "what's missing?" To thinking about it, just give me headache.
I must sitting there a very long time with a blank face cuz I was hitting In The reality when I heard  a crash. I lift up my head and looked around. The... picture. Waaaaaaait, how did the picture landed on the floor and next to the door? And how the hell is there a bone on the walls?! Wait. Bone in the walls? I quickly turned my head to the bed, making sure Classic isn't hurt. But what I surprise I get, he was the one who was throwing the bones. He sat on the bed, tears running down his face. How the heck didn't I realize this earlier?!! I'm totally fucking blind! I quickly dodge a bone who was throwing toward me. Ok, let's me say one thing more.... HOW CAN THE FUCK SHAKE EVERYONE SLEEPING THROUGH THIS??!! The bone hit the door and the poor door breaks. I don't have much time before Classic will break down the house. I run toward Classic and trying to find a way to calm him down, cuz I don't have an idea what I'm doing right now. What does his brother do when he has a nightmare? Think Red think! No I don't have time to think. Just do something, right something that everyone needs, but something I hate to do.... hug. I jumped up to the bed and wrapped my arm around classic's neck. He was trying to push me away but that just only made me wrapped my arm tighter around him. After a while he finally seems to calm down a bit. But was still in that bad mood that he was using blue magic to lift up exactly everything in the room, except me and himself. He was mumbling some word about his papyrus.
-Shhhh... it's ok. Everyone is fine. Don't be scared. I say as I rubbed his back.
I don't really know what else I'm going to do.
But it worked. He calmed down and he stopped crying and was going to sleep again. His blue magic stopped and everything landed on the floor. It sounded like "Crush". Now when everything is fine I realize how tired I was so I fall asleep on the bed with Classic. My arm around him.

Nobody's POV:

When the morning finally came. Everyone was kinda shocked. Well mostly when Razz walked in to room 7 to wake up Classic and Red. Because Razz was actually screaming "The fuck?!"
The room was in complete chaos.
Bone in the wall breaking picture, glass pieces on the floor, a dead phone on the corner the bag hanging on the lamp. The only thing that seems to be fine was the bed with two figures who was sleeping in it. Dust and the other walked in, and they watched as these two cute "couple" was asleep while cuddling with each other. Dust took up his phone, he had a "I don't know what happened here" face as he took a photo.

When Red finally wakes up. He get a super surprise. The first thing he was seeing in this morning was Classic's face and how close it was. Because His face was in red's chest. And his arm wrapped around him. Like he was a teddy bear. Red could feel his cheek heating up. But realize that is somebody is watching them. He turned his head to the door and saw everyone with a Lenny face on except Blue who say
-I have no idea what's going on here.

Dooooooone!!! Finally! Everything happened fast here. But try to use your fantasy and put in some details.

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