Chapter 8

698 14 6

I'm so proud 26 follower.

Classic's POV:

My head hurt like hell. What happened anyway?  I opened my eyes. Everything seems blurry at first, a person, Skeleton? Was standing in front of me, and looking at me.

Then it hit me, right! The stupid stubborn sun, that refuse to move! I sat right up and knocked my head in to the others,

-Owwww. Classic stop that. The person say as the touch the place I knocked them on. A man. With that deep voice.
-Huh? Was the only thing that came out from my mouth. It took a time to figure out what color he had. He was definitely a skeleton, don't ask me how I can see that, I just figured it out... somehow. He had... a colorful hoodie and orange blue basket pants. The rest of him was to blurry to see.

The skeleton must think something was wrong because he asked me if I was ok. And I answer that I'm fine.
I closed my eyes again. I felt tired. I heard a voice, but it felt long away.

-Oh, gonna sleep again? Welp...

~Time skip~

I woke up... again. The different this time was I could see clear. I notice that I was in a room. Alike mine, too alike. It had the same, white walls (or was it dark soft red?), a trash tornado with a annoying dog. Socks in the corner and everywhere. Notes from papyrus to pick up my socks. A bed, and my surprise the only thing that was different from my room. It was CLEAN! The blanked wasn't a huge trash boll. And the pillow was soft and not flat.

I sat at the edge of the bed. My feet was still hurt after the long walk yesterday. I managed somehow to stand up and walked down the stair, but it took 20 minutes to do that. Anyways. When I came down to the living room. Nobody was there.


It usual really loud in the living room, fill with laughter, games, the smell of spaghetti and lasagna.
Now it's empty, no laughter, not even the smell!

I was starting panicking, I ran to the door (even when my feet hurts, but that isn't the point.) and opened it.

I stared at the town. We were still on the surface, which means the kid hasn't "RESET". But there was not even a living soul! Th-then who was that from earlier? Was that only a trick from my non-existence-brain?

-Oh, you have waked up. A voice say behind me. I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I turned around the fastest I could. And turned on my glowing eye,
-Woah, stop that, Chill dude. In front f me was a skeleton, with a cap in color red and blue, a pink, blue, green hoodie,
And orange basket pants with white strip on the edge. And a pair of sunglasses, with word on it. It was saying "YOLO".

-Remember who i am? He asked I answer.
He looked surprised at me.
-I thought you know me, I'm Fresh sans. He say and shakes my hand.
-I'm so sorry for not knowing you. I say sarcastically
He ignored my sarcasm and stop shaking my hand.
-It's just like that, every sans know me, even little.
-Well then, looks like you got meet the first person who don't know you. I say a bit annoyed.

-But really, I have I actually heard about you. I say after a while.
-Oh from who? Fresh ask. As he licked his ice cream.
-Well Error sometimes brings you up on stupid conversations. I say
-And I thought you would talk like a duck, that nobody will understand.
-What Do you mean my little bros? He say
-I mean Just like that. I Say.
-And I think I'm older than you actually.
-You know there is no logic right? He ask
-I know. But by the way, where Ima?
-In a mirror world. He say.
-A What? I don't understand.
-A mirror world, a world just like the world you are living in, but a copy.
-And do you have a idea why I am here? I asked
He looked at me and shrugged.

We were walking trough the empty town. Having a conversation like who knows how long. The sun, who is still stubborn has only moved 9 cm and it's like, welp, I think pretty late in the normal world. The time here doesn't exist. I had totally forget that my feet hurt until when I walked through the door and collapsed on the floor, I had to drag myself to the couch before closing my eyes and dreamed about something stupid.

Red's POV: (Yay! Let's see what's going on with this idiot.)

Where the fuck ima? Was the first question hitting me. I was in forest hanging on the tree when I woke up, and that didn't get better that I fell of the tree. Now I was fucking lost in a fucking forest, not a single fucking bird or animal to be seen or heard. And this is just fucking perfect, in the fucking wrong way and the fucking wrong time. God dammit!

I was really angry and upset. I was alone, hungry and damn sick of this world, and how cruel it is. I just wanna kick it and screw it off. But it's impossible and I'm angry because of that too.

The tree was long and you couldn't see the sky because of the trees. It was a complete silent, the only sound came from my feet and my breath.

When I somehow manage to get to the top, and get known that I was on the fucking mount. Ebbot all the time. I screamed out "FUCK THIS" and it echoed until I don't know. And know that the sun is a fucking bitch was driving me crazy.

I was now walking down from the mountain, and was going to the town. Maybe there is somebody there. There is no one in the forest. So maybe there people in the town. Cuz this is freaking me out.

The way down, was much easier then the way up. I had new scars on my face from the fall when I woke up. I wasn't bleeding. So it wasn't bad.

Nobody's POV:

A portal opened to the void.

-So can I stop pretending this stupid guy now? She say as she took of her the mask.
-Of course. A voice dark and full of hatred say.
-I don't know, it was so easy to trick him. She smiled Evily. She throws the clothes to the non existent ground. Her red eyes was just like the light in the dark room.
-Now the game can start......


Done 1127 words! Now let me get this book on a break. Maybe two or three months. I want to write some others book I was planning on to post. Sooooooo I hope you guys had a wonderful reading time.

And ps. StellasTube  you know you asked about the bonus chapter on "Me, you and maybe the stars" it will come out but I, In "accident" forgot about it, so I'm working on it now.

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