Chapter 11

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So sorry guys, I just, almost killed myself, and it wasn't suicide. I just stressed so much i couldn't breath. So I was in hell then. And by the way, Thanks for 2,7 K views !! >V< So here chapter 11.


Blue's POV:

I grabbed Razz by his feet. UGHHHH, how can a skeleton turn out to be this heavy, And then i realized he wasn't actually heavy it was just something heavy on him. It was a bag full of potato. I pushed of the bag and throw Razz over my shoulder. I then dashed out, by knocking over Dust because of this damn mist. I quickly stood up and said sorry.


Nobody's POV:

They litterly dragged the fainted skeletons outside. Ones they put them aside, they all sat down, catching breaths. The stubborn sun was now still high but it have moved 2 cm at least!

Classic was snoring quietly, and it seems like he didn't have ANY nightmare at all. I'm serious.

But let's ignore them for one of the first time.


The child watches the skeletons carefully, and giggled for her self.

-I wonder how long they will survive :)

Behind them, a man cover in black appear , His face had some crack one over his front head and a another from his eyes.

- ¤56/"½36§74%=#!= (A/N- I'm being lazy .)

-Yeah, yeah. I will, now go. She say.

The man cover in black disappear and leaving the child behind.

The child started to melt and when they was done, they turned into a fish woman in a white dress, sea blue skin, green eyes and lava red hair. They snapped with their fingers and disappear from the void.


Classic's POV:

I woke up, to feel the warm wind against my bones. The first thing i saw was the sky. Was all that a dream? I rolled to the other side and was about to fall asleep, when someone shakes me.

-HEY! Don't fall asleep again. A voice yelled.

I shut up my eyes, looking around to see Red... Oh....

-Sup Red. I waved at him.

-Ah, Classic i see you are awake now! A cheerful voice yelled, and i already figured out it was Blue. The cheerful voice was impossible to miss after all.

-Hi, Blue. I turned around to him and smiled at him.

-Hey classic. Dust appeared behind Blue.

-Hi.... for the 5 th time i guess.

-So what the last thing u remember, and no this is not a dream. he say

-Wait how- You know what I'm not gonna ask it, Ok the last thing i remember was something that exploded... I explained.

-Well ok, then do you- He was cut of by a light of green shining from the sky.

I covered my eyes with my arms, and when the light disappeared a woman with blue skin- you know shorter explaination it was Undyne but she has two healthy eyes instead of one. She wore a greek white dress. Great, now Undyne is gonna kill me when i tell her this. And was slowly fading down.

- Greeting- I mean, you know what, I'm tired of this. Just forget abut the politic and shit. I'm-

-Undyne! Nice to see you again! why are you here and why are you wearing the ugly dress? Blue shouted.

-Oh, shut up, this was the best dress i could find, and by the way don't mix me with your mate in your world! This mirror world Undyne shouted.

- So why are you here then? Red asked

-UGHhhhH.... Razz groaned in the background. I totally did not forget about him

- Oh well I'm here to explain the rules. She explained.

# 1 If you die in this world you will die in reality

# 2 Kill all the monster if you want to survive.

# 3 Find the clues and there is exact 12 clues, these clues will help you home. And the 'Clues' are not like poet that you will solve, the 'Clues' 12 diffrent stones and they are the ticket back to your world.

And that's all i guess. She explained.

- But there is only 3 rules. Blue say

- Exactly, now here you got weapons, because of the fact that the magic here is heavier. She then throw out some random weapon.

A knife was thrown in my arms, and i yelped, I didn't expect that. And i really hate knifes.

Blue got a...... axe...... uh.........

Dust get the same weapon as me a knife, Red by the way got a pair of gloves with claws.

- Srsly? Do i look like an animal to you? Red asked.

-Yes you do. She answer back.


And well the rest got some random thing like schyte, or chainsaw. ( these are dangerous thing.)

- And bye the way.... Here. She say and snapped her fingers, and up from the sky two skeletons dropped down.


-LOL, NEVER! Reaper say and hugged Geno tighter.

They hit the ground and continued to argue, totally ignoring the others.

- ummm.....So bye. She say and disappeared.

- So, shall we start to get home now? I ask.

-Yeah. They said except Geno and Reaper as they all walked of. Dragging the shouting pair by the hood


Me: UGHHH.... Finally!

Ink: You forget about me and Error...

Me: ........ You can't really blame me, i was stressed for days.

Error: bruh......

Me: Um.... See you next time!

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