Your a "Barry" Good man

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Barry POV

“What do you thinks of dads friend,” Diamond said throwing a rock into the water

“He’s cool I guess,” I said chucking another one in

“So when are you going to tell dad,” Diamond said

“Tell him what,”  I said trying to find another rock

“You know what i’m talking about Barry,” Diamond said.

“Look i’ll tell him when i’m older,” I said.

“What are you scared of,” Diamond said.

“Disownment, getting kicked out,” I said.

“He won’t kick you out,” Diamond said.

“You never know I hear all these stories on metube,” I said.

“But Dad’s old best friend is gay,” Diamond said.

“Don’t use that word I don’t know what I am,” I said.

“So you didn’t like that one boy in school,” Diamond said.

“Were to young to be talking about this,” I said.

“Barry we need to talk about this,” Diamond said.

“There’s nothing to talk about,” I said throwing another rock into the water and watching the vibrations

“Dad will understand the world has changed since all the stories you read, there been a gay vice president,” Diamond said.

“There’s a difference between having a gay vice president and a gay son,” I said

“But you know dad he not that kind of person when you told me I still love you,” Diamond said

“You don’t understand step in my shoes knowing that most of the world and your own God hates you i’m not normal,” I said with tears.

Diamond came and sat beside me
“Barry God dosen’t hate you and so what if your not normal what so cool about being normal and if or when you decide to tell Dad i’ll be right by your side and if he kicks you out i’ll be there with you,” Diamond said putting her arm around me.

“Thanks Diamond,” I said smiling and wiping the tears off my face.

“We should get going Dads probably looking for us,” Diamond said

“Yeah” I said getting up

We started walking back the middle of the park and saw Dad and his friend walking toward us. As soon as Dad saw us he started waving.And both Diamond and I started shaking our heads. We caught up with them.

“Where you guys been,” Dad said.

“We were throwing rocks by the water,” Diamond said pointing.

“Oh cool, Barry why are your eyes red,” Dad said

“His allergies started acting up,” Diamond said

“Oh no this hasn’t happened in years We’ll stop for tea on the way home,but who’s ready for lunch” Dad said

“Good i’m starving,” Diamond said.

“Well lets go,” Jonah said

Dad and his friend started walking ot the car while Diamond and I started talking

“Why you tell Dad allergies now i’ll have to drink his signature remedy tea,” I said

“Well you got a better excuse,” Diamond said

I rolled my eyes and kept walking

When we got in the car I just got on my music on my tablet and looked out the window.

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