Chapter Four

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Ding dong!

Yoongi walked over to his front door, looking through the peep hole to see Jimin and a brown haired male next to him. He opened the door, letting the boys in. "Shoes stay here. I don't want mud in my house." He started to walk down the hall as the boys took off their shoes.

A minute later the boys joined Yoongi in his kitchen where he was looking through his fridge, trying to find something to eat.

"Yoongi hyung? This is my friend." Jimin chirped.

Yoongi closed the fridge to glance at the stranger, who smiled at him. His lips looked like a heart and even Yoongi had to admit that his smile lit up the room.

"I'm Jung Hoseok," said the stranger, reaching out a hand.

"Min Yoongi." He didn't shake his hand in return.

Jimin cleared his throat. "Um, well, I unfortunately can't stay. Taehyung needs me for something, so you two have fun with the math!" Yoongi could hear Jimin scurrying out after whispering something to Hoseok.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, where the two boys just sat there staring at each other, Hoseok spoke up. "So I hear you need help with math?"

Yoongi nodded. "If I fail it one more time I'm screwed. Can you help?" Yoongi finally settled on eating a couple of cookies.

"Why don't we sit down and start looking at the homework? I can talk you through it."

Yoongi groaned at the thought of having to do math homework, but he hummed in agreement, knowing he had no other choice.

(Hours later)

"God, I need a drink." Yoongi rubbed his temples before getting out of his chair. He had to admit, Hoseok knew his math. He was would explain anything in such a simple manner, Yoongi was sure a sixth grader could do it. "Do you want anything? Food? Water?"

"No, but where is your bathroom?"

"Down the hall, second door on your left."

"Thank you." Yoongi watched as Hoseok walked off. Damn, he thought. I actually can stand the guy even though he's a complete nerd. Jungkook would kill me.

Yoongi pulled a bottle of vodka out of a cabinet and poured some into a shot glass, throwing his head back as he took the shot. He slammed the glass down and wiped his mouth. (Fun fact: I love vodka).

"Jesus, how can you stand that stuff?" Hoseok startled Yoongi.

"Fuck, Hoseok, you almost gave me a heart attack." He had his hand over his rapidly beating heart.

"I'm light on my feet. I'm a dancer so I have quiet steps."

"I didn't know you danced." Fuck. That's hot. Wait- why am I saying that something a guy does is hot? What the hell is wrong with me? I'm straight as a ruler.

"I've danced since I was a young boy. I hope to be a professional dancer some day, but I'm sure I'm not very good. I probably won't get anywhere with it." He looked down at his feet, a slight pink to his cheeks. "I haven't really danced in a few years though. Sometimes I'll do a few steps, but I just don't feel as motivated to do it nowadays."

"Oh? And why is that?" Yoongi was genuinely curious. He could tell that Hoseok was seriously passionate about dance, just like Yoongi was about music. He couldn't understand why he would give up his dream like that.

"Um, well, it's a long story, but let's just say the person who supported me the most isn't here to support me anymore." Yoongi could see the eyes starting to water on the frowning male in front of him.

He decided to take it in a different direction. "So, does that mean you're gay?"

"W-why would you ask that?" Hoseok took a step back.

"It's a stereotype that guy dancers are gay, so, I ask again: are. You. Gay?" Yoongi was getting annoyed at Hoseok for avoiding the question.

"I-I don't know."

"How do you not fucking know?"

"I don't have any experience, okay?" He turned his head away from Yoongi, still looking at the floor. He brushed some hair out of his eyes. He looked embarrassed.

Yoongi hummed softly before taking another shot. "So, since you are helping me with math, what do you want in return?"

"Who said I wanted something in return?"

Yoongi shrugged. "Who wouldn't? I would definitely want some sort of payment for helping an idiot for hours and hours on math."

"First off, you're not that much of an idiot." Hoseok joked. "Second off, I really don't mind."

"Just name a fucking price, Hoseok. I'm being nice here and offering you something, you should take it. Unless you'd rather me be a complete ass to you?"

Hoseok was silent for a moment. Yoongi thought he had taken it a tad too far, but it was already out of his mouth. "Well, there is one thing that I could think of, but it's really stupid and you probably won't want to give it to me."

Yoongi groaned again. "Why don't you spit it out and let me be the judge of that?" He crossed his arms against his chest, leaning against the countertop.

"A-a friend." Hoseok said softly.

Yoongi had to contain his laughter. "You want a friend? Really? Are you that pathetic?"

Hoseok looked taken aback. "Um, well, I'm only really friends with like two or three people from school, and it's not like I'm close with them or anything. I guess I'm just lonely. I told you that it was a stupid idea. I-I'll just grab my stuff and leave. You don't have to worry about any sort of payment."

"Yeah, I don't think I can take anymore, so I think we can call it a night." Yoongi yawned. "I didn't get a nap in today so I'm tired."

Hoseok chuckled lightly. Yoongi thought it was a nice sound. He seems so happy, he thought. "Do you want me to give you my number so you can text me when you want more help?"

Yoongi cleared his throat. He motioned for Hoseok to start putting his shoes on. "Sure, but don't go trying to hit on me or anything. I'm not into dick."

Hoseok glared at the older. "God you're an ass," he mumbled.

After Hoseok left, Yoongi leaned against his front door and took a deep breath. Why do I feel so weird and confused?

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