Chapter Six

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(The Following Day)

Yoongi heard a soft knocking on his door. A knock so soft he could only hear it because he found himself standing right by his front door in anticipation of Hoseok's arrival. He had just seen him last night, but he couldn't wait to see him again. They ended up choosing to postpone their pizza night to after the exam, when Yoongi passed. They figured it would be a nice way to celebrate.

He straightened his sweater, fixed his hair, and then opened the door. He was expecting to see a smiling Hoseok like last time, but instead Hoseok's face wore a deep frown. Yoongi motioned for the younger to come in, and he followed.

Yoongi didn't know how to ask Hoseok why he looked so sad. He wanted to, but the words just wouldn't come out of his mouth.

Hoseok was the one to eventually break the silence. "Shall we get started?" His voice sounded flat, almost bitter or angry.

"Uh, sure." Yoongi sat down at the table next to Hoseok, opening up his math textbook to the page with the sample problems.

They had only done a few problems when Hoseok suddenly jumped up, claiming he needed to use the restroom before running off. Yoongi sat in shock. He couldn't figure out why the other was acting so strange.

Yoongi saw Hoseok come back around the corner after a few minutes. That was when Yoongi got a really goot look at his appearance. His hair was disheveled and his eyes wore heavy bags under them. Overall, Hoseok just looked exhausted.

"Hoseok?" Yoongi spoke without even thinking.

"Hmm?" Hoseok sat back down in his chair, not even looking in Yoongi's direction.

"Are you okay? You just seem really tired today."

"I'm fine." Hoseok turned his head completely away from Yoongi.

"Okay, if you say so. But we can continue the studying another time, we don't have to do it now."

"I'm already here, let's get back to work," Hoseok snapped, causing Yoongi to flinch slightly in his chair. He swallowed hard before getting back to his math problems. He couldn't help but notice the tears in Hoseok's eyes, but decided not to bring it up.

(Two Days Later- 4 Days until the exam)

Yoongi: Hey Hoseok. The exam is in a couple of days, are you free to get together one or two more times before then?

                               Hoseok: whatever you want, Yoongi.

Yoongi: What's gotten into you? Why are you acting weird?

                                Hoseok: i'm not acting weird. This is how I normally am. You'd know that if you actually knew me.

Yoongi felt his eyes go wide. What the hell? He had no clue what Hoseok's deal was.

Yoongi: I don't know what your fucking deal is, but I don't have time to worry about it. Now, are you free to meet up to study or not?

                             Hoseok: i already said: whatever you want.

Yoongi: Fine. Be that way. Tomorrow, 1 PM? It's a Sunday so you shouldn't have any plans, right?

                               Hoseok: sure

Yoongi was in disbelief. Hoseok was being so cold all of a sudden. He didn't know what had changed. Hoseok had barely spoken to him the other night. He left without even saying goodbye.

(The Following Day)

Yoongi heard the familiar knocking on his door, opening it for Hoseok, who still wore a frown on his face. His hair was still disheveled and the bags under his eyes had only gotten darker.

Yoongi sighed deeply as he sat down at their usual table. Hoseok hadn't spoken a single word, just wrote out the steps on how to solve these equations.

After a couple of minutes, Yoongi couldn't stand the silence anymore. "Okay," he slammed his hand down on the table in frustration, making Hoseok jump in his seat. "Why are you not saying anything? I thought you were the one who wanted to be my friend. I'm trying here, so why aren't you? Have you considered that that might be why you have no fucking friends?"

Yoongi blurted it all out and then cursed at himself as he saw Hoseok's eyes fill with tears slowly. He took a breath. "Hoseok, I'm sorry, I didn't mean all of that."

"Oh, you obviously did." Hoseok said quietly, barely audible.

"Why can't you tell me what happened to make you not talk to me?"

Now it was Hoseok's turn to get angry. He stood up from his chair, pacing around the table, his hands yanking at his hair. Yoongi was in shock. "You want to know why I quit talking to you?" He snapped.

"I do."

"Fine. The other day, you know, the morning after we had decided to postpone our little friendship pizza party? I heard you talking to Jungkook and Sehun. You must've not realized I was close enough to hear what you said, but I did. Every fucking word."

Yoongi tried to remember what he had said, but his memory failed him. He gripped onto the hem of his sweater tightly, feeling nervous. "W-what did I say?"

Hoseok scoffed. The tears were in full swing now, falling down his cheeks rapidly. "You mentioned you had convinced some nerd to help you learn stuff for the math exam. After Sehun asked which nerd, you said my name. Does it ring a bell yet?"

Yoongi shook his head. None of it sounded familiar.

Hoseok chuckled darkly. "Well, let's see. You proceeded to tell them how lame and pathetic I am, and how my payment request had been me asking for your friendship. And when Jungkook asked you how you felt about that, how did you respond? I'll be nice to him until I pass my exam, and then I'm throwing him to the curb."

Hoseok paused, taking a deep breath, but continued before Yoongi could respond. "Do you know how shitty that felt, Yoongi? To know that someone who had agreed to hang out with you for fun was just using you? I'm willing to bet you were never planning on having me over for pizza, were you? You were just going to cancel on me, and invite your real friends over. I know it because this isn't the first time it's happened, and it probably won't be the last. I'm a nice guy, Yoongi, but I don't appreciate being used."

Hoseok stormed over to the table, gathering up his book and spiral notebook and pencils, stuffing them haphazardly in his backpack, swinging it onto his shoulder. "But you don't have to worry about me wanting to be your friend anymore, Yoongi, because I'm fucking done. I hope you're happy. Good luck on your stupid math exam." And on that note, Hoseok slammed Yoongi's front door closed.

Yoongi sat there, stunned. His vision was blurring slightly from tears that threatened to fall. Soon, his paper was soaked with his tears. Yoongi hated himself in that moment.

A/N: Bad Yoongs for hurting my Hoseokie.

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