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(Eight years later)

"Daddy! I need help with my bowtie!"

Yoongi laughed as he walked over to the small boy. "Ji-hun, I taught you how to tie your bowtie last time. Don't you remember?" The older male smiled at the boy.

"I forgot!" Ji-hin pouted as Yoongi fixed his bowtie.

"Yoongs, I need help!" Hoseok shouted from their shared bedroom.

"I will be right back. Finish getting ready, we're leaving in a bit! And don't get Mickey's and Holly's hair on your suit!" Ji-hun nodded with a big smile on his face.

"What do you need help with, Hobi?" He admired his husband of eight years in the doorway.

"I can't get my bowtie to stay straight!"

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Like father like son I guess." He pecked Hoseok's lips as his fingers worked their way on the bowtie.

The three males entered the hall, Ji-hun in the middle holding both of his father's hands. Sometimes he would jump so his parents were forced to swing him, causing a loud laugh to release from the child's mouth every time.

"Hobi! Yoongi! You made it!" Namjoon couldn't stop smiling, his dimples present, as he hugged his close friends.

"Of course we made it." Hoseok clapped his friend on the shoulder.

Namjoon squatted down so he was almost eye-level with Ji-hun. "And how is my little man doing?" He extended his hand for a high-five, but Ji-hun ignored it as he spotted his friends across the room.

"Daddy! Daddy! Can I go play with them?"

Both of his parents nodded their head, releasing the grip they had on their son. They couldn't contain their laughter at the pout on Namjoon's face.

"I just don't understand why nobody will shake my hand or give me a damn high-five." He shook his head as he walked to the front of the room, wrapping an arm around Jin's waist. The Namjin couple decided to have a ten-year wedding anniversary party, inviting all of their closest friends. Yoongi spotted Jungkook and Taehyung entering, with their two children on the ends. Their children ran off to go be with the others, including Ji-Hun, Namjoon's and Jin's daughter, and Jimin's three children.

Jungkook smiled the same bunny-toothed smile as always as he hugged the group of adults. "Tae and I missed you guys! Woah, Yoongi! I love the blue hair."

Jin squeezed them both extra tight. "How is America?"

"It's really beautiful over there. We miss it here though," Taehyung pouted.

Jungkook wrapped an arm around his husband's waist before placing a kiss on his cheek. "We actually have been considering moving back. Tae's father is locked up again, so he can't hurt us or our children anymore." For those who didn't read It Started Out With a Kiss, Tae's dad was abusive.

The group smiled nonstop. Jimin tackled the Taekook couple in a tight hug. "That would be amazing! We miss you two so much." The group mumbled in agreement.

Ji-hun skipped up and tugged on Hoseok's pant leg. The older male bent down and patted his son's head. "What's up, Ji-Hun?"

His son pouted. "Can I sleepover at aunt Jisoo's house tonight?"

Hoseok smiled before nodding. "If she says yes, then you can sleep at her house tonight."

After dropping Ji-Hun off at Jisoo's and her husband's house, Yoongi and Hoseok walked down the street with their hands intertwined. They embraced the silence that surrounded them. They have learned that talking is not always necessary, they just enjoyed the other's presence.

Hoseok didn't know where Yoongi was leading them, but he didn't mind. As long as he got to spend time with the love of his life. Soon, the unfamiliar surroundings began to be recognizeable, and Hoseok's smile grew bigger as he turned his head to eye Yoongi, who wore a gummy smile himself. Yoongi angled his head slightly to wink at Hoseok, causing the younger to blush. After being a couple for nine or so years now, the older was still able to make him blush.

The trees cleared to form a clearing that overlooked a beautiful lake. The moonlight reflected off of the water beautifully. Yoongi sat down on the edge, Hoseok following soon after. Hoseok leaned his head onto the older's shoulder.

He remembered how the lights had floated in the water as Yoongi was down on one knee. Hoseok smiled as he recalled the photo album the older had shown him. That album had grown to include so many more pictures. It even showed the picture from Yoongi winning first award as a producer, and the one from Hoseok opening up his own dance studio.

"What do you think about Ji-Hun having a sibling?" Yoongi asked out of the blue. Hoseok lifted his head in surprise.

"You want another kid?"

Yoongi shrugged. "I think it would be nice. Maybe we can adopt a girl this time? Then it can be the four of us, plus Mickey and Holly. The perfect little family."

Hoseok's smile spread up to his eyes. "I think that would be incredible."

Yoongi put a hand on Hoseok's cheek. Their hearts still flutter at every touch. Their silhouettes were illuminated by the moonlight as Yoongi pulled Hoseok closer to him, their lips touching lightly. They shared a deep, passionate kiss under the stars as they sealed their love for each other.

Yoongi pulled away, his thumb stroking the tanned skin of Hoseok's cheek. "I love you."

Hoseok smiled as he lay his head back on Yoongi's shoulder, admiring the stars above him. "I love you too, Yoongles."

The End.

Lol kind of a shitty ending but I wasn't quite sure how to end it.

I am upset that this book is finished, but I'm excited that I can now begin to write new stories. I am going to miss this book though.

**Celebratory dancing**

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**Celebratory dancing**

Thank you all for reading this story. I may or may not add in an extra chapter with details to fill in some of the time gaps, but for right now, this is the end of The Tutor.

I love all of my readers so much. I appreciate you all for taking the time to read my shitty writing. ❤️❤️

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I hope to see you all in my next story. 😉

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