Chapter Thirty-Five

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I'm sorry again.

Yoongi yelled in frustration as the phone went, once again, straight to voicemail. "Goddammit, Hoseok! Pick up the damn phone!" He drove angrily to the other's mother's house, praying that he was there. He stepped on the gas even more, already missing Hoseok. He picked up his phone again to dial the younger's number, not seeing the approaching light go from green to yellow to red. He sped past the line, the last thing he heard was the blaring of a car horn.


"Hoseok, sweetie..." His mom timidly entered his bedroom, heart aching as she listened to the boy's sobs. "We need to talk."

Hoseok shook his head. "No! Please. I-I don't want to t-talk about it."

Ms Jung sat next to her son on his bed, rubbing his back up and down. "This is important, sweetie. I need to tell you."

After a moment of silence, minus the soft sobs being emitted from the boy, Hoseok nodded and sat up to face his mom. She took a hold of his hands, squeezing tight. "I just got a phone call."

His eyebrows raised in confusion. "From who?"

Ms Jung took a deep, shaky breath. "T-there was an accident,' she spoke quietly.

Hoseok felt his breath stopped. "No... mom, please tell me it isn't him."

His mom pursed her lips. "I'm sorry, sweetie. He was in a car accident. I-It's pretty bad."

The male had found that he had a difficult time breathing as he processed the words. "I-I-I"

Ms Jung rubbed her son's back a he sobbed, gripping tightly onto her blouse. "I-I need t-to s-see him." She nodded as she lifted her son and helped him into the car, driving him to the hospital.


"Yoongi?" Hoseok's voice was barely audible due to the hoarseness. He slowly entered the room and took a seat next to the bed. The silver-haired male lay completely still in the bed, except for the rise and fall of his chest. He was covered in bruises and scratches. A few stitches were on his cheek. His left leg and wrist were in bandages. Hoseok gripped the unbandaged hand, wincing at the cold temperature. "Hey, Yoongles." He said, unsure as to whether the older could actually hear him. "I'm so sorry. I was angry. I shouldn't have left. If i hadn't left, you wouldn't have gotten hurt."

Ms Jung walked in and squeezed Hoseok on the shoulder. "Sweetie, the doctor is here if you want to talk to him."

Hoseok nodded as he got up weakly from his seat. "Could you sit with him? He always likes it if you stroke his hand with your thumb."

She nodded and took over for her son, who walked outside the room to speak to the doctor.

"You're the fiancé?" The doctor had a sad look in her eyes. Hoseok nodded. "He was in a car accident, as you know. He has a broken ankle and he had a bone snap in his wrist and pierce through his skin. We realigned the bones and sewed up all of his cuts. He hit his head on the dash in the collision. We have checked for internal bleeding, and found nothing. His brain seems to be okay, although we are not sure if he will wake up."

Hoseok's heart stopped beating as he fell to his knees. The doctor reaching a hand out to him, giving him something to squeeze. "H-he might n-not wake up? But we're supposed t-to get m-m-married!" He was practically screaming.


(Two months later)

"Hey Yoongs." Hoseok spoke softly as he stroked Yoongi's hand with his thumb. "It's getting cold outside already. Only the kind of cold where during the day you feel free and refreshed, but at night you're shivering as you look up at the stars in the sky. It's my favorite time of the year. Or, at least, it was." He couldn't even form tears anymore. He had dried himself out every night for the last two months.

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