Leon Kuwata x Reader {Rewrite}

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(Y/N) = your name
(F/C) = Favorite color
(E/C) = Eye color

(Rewrite 2020)

You sat in your classroom like any other usual day, resting your head against the palm of your hand as you yawned out loud. Who were you, you were the ultimate Artist at the school and all you wanted was to just get out of this boring class at the moment. Out of the corner of your half shut eyes you caught the red headed jock next to you stretching his arms out wide until a small pop was heard. He was Leon Kuwata, the ultimate baseball player at the school. You wouldn't lie when you said you have liked him for a very long time, but that voice in the back of your head told you that he would never like you back. You could just tell in his eyes somewhat, trying to read his thoughts as he stared out in to space during class. You couldn't help but just stare at him, how perfect he looked. 

You bit your bottom lip slightly as you returned back to your work, smiling softly as you started to draw on your science paper in front of you. What the teacher was saying never really mattered to you all that much. You would just get the answers off of someone else who cared about learning. But as you were drawing you could feel someone staring over your shoulder as you drew. You didn't mind it when people watched you draw but after a while it got annoying and made you quite anxious. Like they would judge you if you messed up of it the drawing looked wrong.

The bell rang after what felt like eternity sitting there in boredom like any other day. You grabbed your bag by your desk and like usual, and raced out of the classroom so you didn't have to deal with the learning any more. You just wanted to head home and crash on your bed, not even wanting to begin your math homework. But who wants to anyway right? Your initial thought of your afternoon consisted of binge watching your show, continuing on your art portfolio and texting your friends here and there. Yet as you were in your thoughts you heard a familiar voice calling your name from down the hallway where you came. You turned your head and your eyes met with the jock that crowded your day dreams frequently. The butterflies in your stomach started to act up as you turned your head back. What did he want from you? Was there something wrong?

"Hey....Hey wait up Y/n, hold on" He finally made he way up to you in the hallway, not even out of breath from his little run he did. Your cheeks were red as he walked next to you. His smile never left his face that made your heart melt, why did you have to fell this way?

"Hey Leon....d-do you need something?"

"Hey....ah no. I ah saw what you were drawing in class earlier, I couldn't help but look. Your drawings are so amazing Y/n and I was ah....wondering if you could like show me more...If you don't mind I mean" Leon asked, you could tell he was getting flustered since the way he said his words weren't as confident like normal. Your heart skipped a beat as you heard him ask you that, now your mind was on over thinking mode over the whole situation. Thinking of any possible way he would want to hang out with you and why.

"Sure why not....let me just grab my things from my locker and I can show you what I have been working on....meet me out in the front" You replied with small smirk on your face. His face immediately lit up from your words as you walked with him. He seemed more excited then the normal.

"So it's a date then?" 

"s-sure" You replied quickly as you walked away from him faster then you would. You were screaming on the inside as you walked off toward your locker area in the school. Your cheeks were probably a bright shade of red from him asking you that. Happiness was all you were feeling but you couldn't help but think that there was a catch to all of this. You just needed to forget about that bad thought and have fun with him.


It only took you a couple of minutes to grab your things you needed from your locker for home. Your beanie was pulled down further over your ears as you walked outside and toward the gate. The familiar red head was standing there, leaning against the side with a wide grin on his face as he concentrated on you walking toward him. You smiled softly as you joined him, now walking side by side away from the school. He started to talk about what happened in his gym class earlier in to the day. Smirking as he made motions with his hands on his he evidently hit this kid with a dodge ball. His skills would always amaze you and you wished that you could have been there to see him in action.

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