Kazuichi Souda x Reader

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(Y/N) = Your Name

(E/C) = Eye color

It was like any other day on the island, you sat on the beach letting the sun hit your topless body. It was nice,besides the killing game going on. you didn't trust that many people, you only trusted Ibuki, Hajime and Kazuichi. as you sat there in the sand, you thought of ways everyone could get out of here alive instead of dieing to monokuma and the killing game. you closed your eyes, but suddenly you heard someone talking to the left of you. you looked over and blushed, it was Kazuichi, souda the ultimate mechanic. you put your shirt back on so he couldn't see you. "miss Sonia look at the mini robot I made" He said to her. "Miss Sonia this and Miss Sonia that, why can't he just let Gundham have her" you thought as you got up. as you were walking back "Hey (Y/N) wait up" you looked back to see Kazuichi running up to you with his little robot in his hand. "Hey what's up" You said as he walked next to you. "Miss Sonia doesn't think this cool so I want you to have it" Kazuichi said giving the little toy robot he made to you. "Thanks? well I better be going now Ibuki said she needed my help with something so bye for now" You said taking off to your cottage, you just left him there speechless.

You made it to your cottage out of breath from running and sat the robot on your desk. you sat there and stared at it. "why would you he give it to me? am I just his back up from his "Miss" Sonia" you just sat there and clenched your fist in rage "Damn it (Y/N) pull yourself together" you said as you put on your jacket and went out to help ibuki with her guitar since it wasn't tuned and play the drums with her a bit. Kazuichi looked at you from a far and smiled as Sonia was talking to him. After an hour Ibuki thanked you for helping her and playing with her for a bit. You smiled and went out the door, "Maybe I could go see Gundham about helping my problem he seems think he knows how to deal with stress" You said as you made your way to his cottage. Kazuichi watched from a far and raised an eye brow what is she doing going to that girl stealers house. he went over and peered through the window.

 you came into his house and sat on his bed, "what do you need mortal?" Gundham asked. you told him the story of you and Kazuichi and he understood what you were going through. He knew that Kazuichi was outside listening in on them, he went over and told you he was there because he cared about you and that he had a plan of what you were going to do. the curtains on the window were open so he could see you both. "Play along" he whispered as he laid a hand on your cheek to go along with his plan. he then pinned you down on the bed and started to kiss you softly. Kazuichi filled with anger, he clenched his fists as he stomped over to the door. he kicked it open and Gundham lifted up from the kiss and winked at you, you mouthed thank you to him as Kazuichi pulled him off of you and picked you up. he turned his head to face Gundham and gave him a look before carrying you out of his cottage. 

he opened the door to your cottage and sat you down on the bed. "what did he do to you" He asked looking at you if you have been drugged. "Nothing, he did nothing to me Kazuichi why are you even caring about what happened" you say. he stood there in scilence and looked at the ground, "I'm not letting him take the one I love sure he has Sonia but he is not taking you too" He said looking at you. both of your faces were bright red after what he just said. he leaned in and kissed you, the kiss lasted for what felt like for ever. you pulled back for air "I don't care about Sonia anymore, I care about you (Y/N)" He said starring into you (E/C) eyes for a second. You smiled as you kissed him one more time before he went to his cottage. you sat there on your bed thinking about what happened today with Kazuichi and Gundham, you smiled as you turned off the lights in your cottage and went to bed.

The next morning you woke up to see Kazuichi's robot on you desk,you smiled because it reminded you of the previous day. you grabbed your clothes and changed before going to the breakfast hall to eat. as you stepped inside you could tell everyone was up there already since no one was around. "hey" You turned around to see Kazuichi standing behind you. he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into a hug. you looked at him and smiled. his face lit up as he thought you were about ready to say something important but all you said was "I'm hungry let's go eat". you led him upstairs to everyone else and saw Akane basically digging into her food. you just smiled at her and grabbed a plate yourself. you looked at Gundham in the corner of the room and smiled at him too for all his help yesterday. Kazuichi sat by you in the dining hall and you ate breakfast together. Sonia watched from a far,confused as to what he was doing around you. but you liked it that way, you liked how he gave you full attention and that he didn't like Miss Sonia anymore. you looked back at Kazuichi and smiled, you wrote something on the napkin beside him and left the dining hall with out him. he stared at the note and blushed a deep red. he red it in his head one more time and smiled "I love you Souda " is what the note said.you knew from that, that he would follow you outside and that this would be the start of a new relationship for you both of you from that point forward.

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