Chihiro Fujisaki x Male reader

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(Y/N) = Your name

you walked in the silent halls of the school, there was no one after the killing of Maizono. everyone wanted to keep to them self's after that, and you did as well. you went over to the dining hall to meet up and talk with everyone about what they were going to do. you came in and sat down next to one of your good friends Chihiro. you looked around at everyone, they all looked sad and you didn't want to see that look on everyone's faces for the rest of the time you were stuck here. after everyone came in you stood up and everyone looked at you confused. "Listen I know two of our friends just past, but we can't keep acting all sad over it, they would want us to keep going and figure out a way to get out of this place. I know this was probably a really shit speech but I don't want everyone to be down every day because of there deaths" you said as you sat back down. you didn't care if anyone didn't like your speech but you just wanted to get it off your chest. Chihiro then looked at you and smiled "I agree we shouldn't get down on our self's because of there deaths" Ishimaru said looking at you. "Yeah they would want us to keep going" Mondo said. "Then we should find a way out,come on then" Togami said getting up from his seat and walking out the door with Fukawa. You got up as well and walked out the dining hall with Chihiro by your side.

Then out of no where the speaker went off and Monokuma was speaking into it. "Meet in the gymnasium now kiddies" then the speaker turned off. you just rolled your eyes as you started to walk towards the gym. "what do you think this will be about" you asked Chihiro as you walked. "probably something stupid" Chihiro said. you opened the door for her and you both walked in. you stood there with your arms crossed as Monokuma started to talk. "okay kiddos I have some new motivation for the next killing" then he threw a bunch of envelops on the ground with our names on them. you picked yours up "it's your most embarrassing moments" Monokuma said with enthusiasm. You looked at your most embarrassing moment and your eyes went big "how did he know" you thought as you looked"now that is your killing motive and if no one gets killed than all of your secrets will be reveled" Monokuma said as he vanished like he normally does. you didn't know what to do, sure it was embarrassing but you didn't want to kill any one for it. you turned to see Chihiro staring blankly at the paper. "Hey something wrong?" you said placing an arm around her neck. she covered up her paper and than looked at you. "yeah everything is just fine (Y/N)" she replied as every one began to walk out of the gym including you and her. you both walked back to your room to discuss what you both were going to do. you thought that you and Chihiro were like a team, and that you would stick together no matter what happened. you also had a little bit of feelings towards her as well, but you didn't want to tell anyone about them.

 Chihiro sat on your bed and you leaned up against one of the walls in your room. you sighed "what are we even going to do Chihiro" you asked looking down thinking of a plan of trying to get out or stay safe until then. she then looked at you with her hazel eyes. "(Y/N) can I tell you something" she asked a bit nervous. "Chihiro you can tell me anything you know, you can trust me" you said walking over and placed a hand on her shoulder to show support. she then had a bit of a smile on her face as she looked at you. "'s my thing on the paper so i don't know how to put it in words" she said, you looked at her "take your time" you said sitting on the bed next to her. she then sighed and looked at you and handed you the paper. you red it and your eyes slowly went big. "s-she was a crossed she is a he?! "  you thought as you looked back at him. he had tears going down his face as he looked at you, you kissed his forehead and hugged him. "Chihiro, I don't care if you cross dressed. you are a good person no matter what. it doesn't matter if you are a boy or a girl to me because you are still my best friend and I love ya" you said. he stopped sniffling and looked at you, whipping away the tears on his face and smiled. "Thank you (Y/N), I'm glad your always here for me" Chihiro said as he got up from your bed. "I also asked if Mondo could help me out as well with helping me change, and he said he would help me" he said smiling "I'm glad you want to change Chihiro and I'm sure you will do just fine" you said before he opened your door and smiled at you. he shut it and you could her him walk outside it. you just sat there with your thoughts rushing in your head about him.

The next day the body announcement alarm went off and you hurried over to the scene. you stopped dead in your tracks as you saw your friend dead and tied up with an extension cord. you slumped to your knees in front of the body and tears started to go down your face. you didn't make a sound and just let the tears flow. everyone carried on with the investigation and so did you. you knew who did it, it was Mondo since Chihiro was talking about going to work out with him. as you looked for evidence around his body you couldn't hep but let a few tears go and clench your fists. you wanted to scream but it only came out a whisper. you then looked at the body "I swear I will find the person who did this, and I will find a way out of here Chihiro...I promise" you said as the trial announcement went off. you walked over to the elevator and stepped in to it with everyone else. you looked over at Mondo and clenched your fist, flashing the image of your dead best friend as you looked at him. the the elevator opened and you stepped out, and got your evidence ready to prove that he was guilty for killing him.

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